Attendance @milana_cap, @estelaris, @lucp, @femkreations, @chaion07, @greenshady, @leonnugraha, @robinwpdeveloper, @colorful-tones and @samanthaxmunoz (async).
Where: #docs channel on Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Find the complete transcript of the meeting on Slack.
Meeting Facilitator: @chaion07
Note Taker: @lucp
Next Meeting Facilitator (in two weeks): @estelaris
Triage next week:
Project Updates
@estelaris posted an update about the reclassification project. The team is still working on the sitemap.
The meta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. team was asked for the latest sitemap for documentation (as it was 2 weeks ago when @estelaris received it). And when the two sitemaps got compared there was a discrepancy of about 20 articles. So @estelaris has been going over them one by one. The total now stands at 300+ articles.
There’ll be tickets for any article that requires content review as well as a list of articles that should be moved to Devhub entirely.
WordPress version docs
@femkreations shares updates on the docs for new WordPress versions:
- The 5.9 Project board is officially closed.
- Work on the 6.0 project is in progress: 3 new pages added, 7 pages updated
Doing content review and updating pages in the HelpHub based on @estelarisfeedback: Pages have been rewritten with new content and screenshots. - Prep for 6.1 is ongoing: Adding “User Documentation” label for the closed PRs in Gutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. Completed for 13.1 and 13.2.
@leonnugraha and @wigno will be working on these issues this week, further documenting the new blocks in 6.0:
Advanced Admin
The advanced admin handbook is in the works. It’ll be a collaboration between the #docs and #hosting teams. @javiercasares created a very extensive sitemap for the new handbook, which can be found here:
There’ll be a discussion during both the WordCamp US and the WordCamp the Netherlands contributor days about this handbook and how to make this as concrete as possible.
WCUS contributors day facilitator
@milana_cap, @femkreations, @bph and @welcher will all be there. They’ll share the role of facilitator.
@estelaris will add tags to issues that are good things to tackle during a contributor day: good first bugs, things that are easy to spot and get to. Many of them first need to be reviewed.
There’s also the i18n and escape errors in codex and user generated examples that can be tended to.
Open floor
Nothing on the open floor this meeting.