@atachibana @milana_cap @chaion07 @bph @ibdz @collinsmbaka @crstauf @themiked @kenshino @tacitonic @softservenet @b-07 @khushbu1983 @kafleg @timohaver @kulsumsiddique @manthanadmane @sasiddiqui @dmivelli @felipeloureirosantos @bizanimesh
You can find the Agenda here.
Notetaker: @b-07
Notes Reviewed by: @chaion07
Facilitator: @chaion07
Facilitator for Next Meeting: @justinahino
Follow the meeting on the Slack channel for Docs.
Project Updates
@milana_cap added patches on this meta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. ticket She also started working on videos on how to set up a local HelpbHub instance.
@bph mentioned that they are making great progress. They created 1 new page on how to move blocks and updated 11 pages to 5.5 status. She also updated the channel with the following information:
- New pages needed – 10
- WordPress 5.5 – 24
- WordPress 5.4 – 18
- WordPress 5.3 – 2
- WordPress 5.0 – 20
- Pre WordPress 5.0 – 2
- Total 76 pages
@atachibana mentioned that he and @stevenlinxf migrating and re-routing of the codex to code reference for
- Classes: 13 of 43 (30.2% <- 14.0%)
- Hooks In WordPress theme and development, hooks are functions that can be applied to an action or a Filter in WordPress. Actions are functions performed when a certain event occurs in WordPress. Filters allow you to modify certain functions. Arguments used to hook both filters and actions look the same.: 17 of 355 (5.6% <- $4.8%)
External Linking Policy
@milana_cap mentioned that on 25th August there will be a zoom meeting to discuss unclear stuff. More details on that meeting can be found here.
New Member Mentor Training
@tacitonic provided new members update: 17 People have joined #docs in the last week. A total of 28 people have joined #docs in the month of August.
Monthly Coffee Break
The August Coffee Break is set for this Thursday (August 27) at 1:00 PM UTC. More details on this here.
Google Season of Docs 2020
@timohaver mentioned that they have GSOD technical writers to move ahead with two projects: a global style guide and improving article discovery.
For the style guide, @tacitonic is the GSOD technical writer, @milana_cap and @felipeelia are the mentoring team.
For improving article discovery, @dmivelli is the GSOD technical writer, @estelaris and @timohaver are the mentors.
The writers will be in an acclimation phase until middle of September. Then they start 10 weeks of research and writing for their projects.
Open Floor
There was nothing much discussed on the open floor. So @chaion07 ended the meeting with this great quote from Foster C. McClellan:
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.