@tacitonic @sukafia @justinahinon @estelaris @zzap @crstauf @kulsumsiddique @atachibana @thisisyeasin @timohaver @khushbu1983 @lvg2013 @collinsmbaka @wpza @themiked @joyously @casiepa
Meeting agenda:
Meeting transcript on Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at
Meeting facilitator: @tacitonic
Notetaker: @justinahinon
Facilitator for the next meeting: @timohaver
Project updates
@atachibana made an update about the re-routing of Codex to Code Reference. 1054 of 1070 Function pages have already been completed. Also, @stevenlinx and @collinsmbaka are working on complexed cases with opened tickets. After it is released, WordPress 5.5 will merge the fixes on documents into the Code Reference.
@tacitonic mentionned that There is no update for the BEEDocs team for this week. This will be discussed in another meeting next monday.
@estelaris shared the progress on the categorization project and if is it chosen or not for Season of Docs. She proposed to include asif2bd’s pillar content proposals as part of the categorization proposal. The reason for that is the content can be included as part as categorization. Also, the marketing team is still giving some feedback on the related p2 post. This could help in having some guidelines in the naming for pillars and categories.
@themiked shared the current Plugins Handbook status. The pages organization proposed can be found here. He also expressed the interest to have a glossary that automatically finds and links terms that should be defined in the handbook.
External Linking Policy
@milana_cap mentionned that the team has now a new approach, that can be found in this document. Everyone is welcomed to add comments and feedbacks. This will be discussed again during the next meeting.
Milana is also requesting a correction in the latest Month of WordPress post as the docs team has not banned the use of commercial links in the documentation articles. This is a discussion that is still happening.
New Member Mentoring
@sukafia shared the new members in Docs team stats. For the month of July, 37 new members joined the #docs channel on Slack. These members were reached out to by the mentorship team. Only one member has already joined the channel for the month of August.
All members are welcomed to contact includes @sukafia, @tacitonic, @tomf and @prubhtej to learn more about the Doc team.
Monthly Coffee Break (August 2020)
@sukafia linked to some nice pics from the last monthly coffee break. You can find them here and here. Many members also mentionned how useful this coffee break was; allowing to learn about people with which we are contributing.
The next Monthly Coffee Break will take place at the end of August, hopefully in Asia friendly time. The team is also open to rotating the time to make it favourable to people in different time zone to attend.
Google Season of Docs 2020
@timohaver said that all the Season of Docs proposals were scored by the mentors last week. The top three proposals have been submitted to Google.
Open Floor
@joyously asked if all the references to Codex URLs have already changed to the new format. She is wondering about links external to the Codex that point to it, because there were a bunch in code and are not elsewhere on The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization.