Summary of Docs Team Meeting for July 20, 2020


@atachibana, @bph, @burhandodhy, @chaion07, @collinsmbaka, @crstauf, @daverick, @deadpool76, @estelaris, @FahimMurshed, @ibdz, @kartiks16, @Kenshino, @Leslie, @manthanadmane, @mkaz, @mohitmishra, @nullbyte, @Prubhtej, @ramiy, @saiftheboss7, @sasiddiqui, @sncoker, @softservenet, @tacitonic, @themiked, @timohaver, @williampatton (28 people attending)

Meeting MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress.

Meeting Agenda:

Meeting Transcript:

Meeting Facilitator: @chaion07

Meeting Notes by: @timohaver

Facilitator for Next Meeting: @tacitonic

Follow docs team meetings on the Slack workspace by joining the # docs channel.

Project Updates

@atachibana reported that almost all work is complete for the migration and re-routing of Codex to Code Reference for Functions. @stevenlinx and @collinsmbaka are working through the more complex cases that remain. 

@bph itemized the many activities of the Block Editor End-user documentation team (BEE-docs). The team is balancing ongoing work for WordPress 5.4 with preparations for 5.5.

@mkaz published his Create a Block tutorial in the Block Editor Handbook

External Linking Policy

With @milana_cap unavailable, @Kenshino proposed deferring this agenda item to the next meeting. @chaion07 asked everyone to comment on the recent posts relating to this topic

Google Season of Docs 2020

@Kenshino reported that @cbringmann is working with Season of Docs mentors to review GSOD proposals.

New Member Mentor Training

@Prubhtej provided a new member update: seven new members joined docs last week; docs has added 29 new members for July.

@softservenet published a post proposing additional Slack channels for new member engagement.

Monthly Coffee Break

@chaion07 promised there will be a Doodle up soon with APAC-friendly options for choosing a day and time. He estimated that the next Coffee Break will happen in the last week of July.

Open Floor

On behalf of the Marketing team, @nullbyte asked how to go about publishing a FAQ for WordPress 5.5 on HelpHub and DevHub.

Please feel welcome to suggest revisionsRevisions The WordPress revisions system stores a record of each saved draft or published update. The revision system allows you to see what changes were made in each revision by dragging a slider (or using the Next/Previous buttons). The display indicates what has changed in each revision. in the comments.

#meeting-notes, #meetings, #notes