@makz, @chaion07, @sukafia, @atachibana, @milana_cap, @tacitonic, @yui, @cristiano.zanca, @softservenet, @Prubhtej_9, @kemze, @glorialchemica, @collinsmbaka, @marcio-zebedu, @stefanocassone, @estelaris, @jubayerjoy, @khushbu.desai, @christiano.zancoo.
Find the Agenda of the Meeting here.
Thanks to @chaion07 for Facilitating the Meeting.
Notetaker & Facilitator Selection
Notetaker: @chaion07
Facilitator for the next meeting: @tacitonic
Next Meeting will be held on: 13 July 2020
Find the complete Transcript of the meeting on Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at
Project Updates
@atachibana informed on the Migration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies. of Codex that 1022 out of 1070 pages had been completed. Currently the project is 95.5% completed which is a 0.70% improvement from last week. He also thanked @stevenlinx for processing complex cases with Open Tickets.
@christiano.zanca informed that the Italian team started translation of HelpHub. Currently Google Docs is being used as the base for checking and then publishing it.
@mkaz is continuing to work on the Block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Tutorial. Currently working on the developer’s environment portion through PR 23953 and more.
@tacitonic currently reviewing The Bee-Docs tasks as @collibnsmbaka and @khushbu.desai are publishing the final drafts on embed blocks. The Bee-Docs Meetings are held every Mondays at 14:00 UTC in #meta-helphub under the supervision of @bph as always.
@Prubhtej_9 is contributing to the Scribd block editor documentation including a few of the handbooks this week & had a small discussion with the Rest API The REST API is an acronym for the RESTful Application Program Interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. It is how the front end of an application (think “phone app” or “website”) can communicate with the data store (think “database” or “file system”) team regarding their inputs for improving the Rest API handbook.
Categorization Project
@estlaris reminds everyone that we are looking forward to comments on the p2 post that she wrote earlier. @milana_cap is looking into the comment left by @annezazu previously that focuses on the Github issue.
Requesting everyone to interact using the p2 post dedicated to Technical Writers as the deadline is close to hand.
You can join the conversation by visiting the p2 post related to this topic. We are expecting input from everyone.
New Member Mentoring Team
@softservenet reported that the New Member Mentor Training Team met recently to discuss support capabilities for new members.
@sukafia reported that the Mentoring Team is actively reaching out and checking up on new members. The team is ensuring that every member gets a Welcome Message and is provided with links to helpful resources and guidance relevant to #docs. 7 new members have joined since last week, raising the numbers for this month to 75. The Team is considering to write a p2 post on the proposal for a dedicated channel on Making WordPress Slack so that this can be discussed with the #meta team.
You can contact @sukafia, @softservenet, @tacitonic or @Prubhtej_9 with your ideas, suggestions and comments.
Monthly Coffee Break (July 2020)
@chaion07 is writing a p2 post covering the monthly summary piece (with the assistance of @sukafia). The new Doodle for the coffee break will be shared in the channel soon. Since it’s not Asian and some timezone friendly, we’ll have to be rotating the time. We will try to rotate the timing in such a manner to suit as many geo-location as possible to gain maximum audience.
#meeting-notes, #meetings