Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 6th January 2020

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, January 6, 2020, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

As we are back from holidays we won’t be focusing the meeting on any topic but rather cover all projects in where we are and what is next.

Items to discuss:

  1. Attendance
  2. Notetaker & Facilitator selection
  3. Discussion on the Docs team organization in general
    • Workflows
    • Badges
  4. Docs Team Handbook
    • Workflows and badges pages
  5. HelpHub
    • Progress of the survey
    • Feedback section – 4915
    • Mobile menu – Trello card
    • Localisation
  6. Common APIs Handbook
    • i18n pages
  7. DevHub
  8. New readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook
  9. Open Floor