Agenda for Theme Developer Handbook Meeting January 12

Hello all,

This may be the last meeting before release of version 1 of the handbook.

Time/date:  Thursday, January 12, 2017, 03:00 UTC in #docs

  1. Attendance
  2. Project Status
  3. To-do list
  4. Readiness to release v1 of Handbook
  5. Open Floor

Pinging @kenyasullivan @xfrontend @burlesonbrad @nao @jacobmc @hardeepasrani @sheebaabraham @boogawooga @rahulsprajapati @viniciuslourenco @cais @kafleg @atachibana @miyauchi @juhise

For those not mentioned but would like to contribute to the Theme Developer Handbook, please read this post and join us for the meeting.

Any questions before that can be made in the comments!
