HelpHub Meeting Agenda: Feb. 2 – Assigning development tasks

At last week’s meeting we finalised who would be on the development team for HelpHub. This week we’ll be assigning development tasks.

Time/date: Tuesday, February 02, 2016, 14:00 UTC in #docs


  1. Development task overview
    • I have added various tasks as issues on the HelpHub repo – we need to go through these and add any additional tasks that might be relevant.
  2. Assigning tasks
    • We need to assign tasks to members of the development team so we know who will be working on what.

Note that I am pushing back the content planning discussion a bit as I still haven’t been able to confirm a few related details for that. We do need to get that discussion started soon though, so I’m shooting for next week to get going on that front.

#agenda, #helphub