HelpHub Meeting Agenda: Jan. 26 – Kicking off Development

It’s a new year and we’ve got a new phase of the HelpHub project to get to work on! At the end of last year we wrapped up the wireframes and they’re looking really solid.

The next step from here is to get going with development. In order to manage our development in one place, I’ve set up a GitHub repo – it is currently empty, but I will have the barebones structure of things in there by the time we have this meeting on Tuesday.

Time/date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 14:00 UTC


  1. Confirming developers
    • A few people have already volunteered to be involved in development, but I know how plans can change, so let’s finalise those plans for 2016 and confirm who will be digging into the HelpHub code.
  2. Content planning
    • We have yet to put a lot of time towards planning the content of HelpHub (aside from a general idea of knowing what the project is), so I think it would be a good idea to start discussing that more intentionally.

If you have never put your name forward for HelpHub before, then you are welcome to attend this meeting and throw your name in as well.

See you all then!

#agenda, #helphub