HelpHub Meeting Recap, Oct. 27

In this week’s HelpHub meeting we focussed on kicking off the wireframe building process. The discussion was very fruitful and you can see the SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at logs right here.

The main thrust of the chat was to get started with the wireframes and in order to do that we threw around some examples of current knowledge base sites that we like. These will act as the base for out design inspiration, but we will still be building something completely unique. So, with that in mind, here are a few examples that we discussed – if you have any more that you think are worth taking note of then please add them in the comments:

Much like the Namecheap example, we are wanting to build something that highlights the search box on the home page with perhaps a few additional helpful links below it, but the main thrust of the home page is that is to be minimal and as search-focussed as possible.

Note that while design does definitely rely on content (especially for a site like this), we don’t want to hold up the wireframe process while we wait for the content structure to be more established, so we would rather start with building the wireframes ASAP and then revise them as we have a more solid idea of the content we will be working with.

If you have any feedback or thoughts on any of this then please post that here or in the #docs channel on Slack so we can keep the conversation open.

Also, see the project page for details on how to view/contribute to the wireframes.

I’m tagging the individuals here who are going to be working on the wireframes, but this is open for anyone to give their valuable input into: @saracope @versatility @greensteph

#chat-recap, #helphub