HelpHub kick off (for real this time!)

If you’re tagged in this post then you have previously showed some level of interest in being involved in working on HelpHub.

After an initial stalled attempt at getting the HelpHub project going, I’m excited to announce that it’s finally underway!

You can get some background on the project by checking out the original kick off post as well as the project spec, but the ultimate goal of HelpHub is to have a central location that houses user documentation as well as the support forumSupport Forum WordPress Support Forums is a place to go for help and conversations around using WordPress. Also the place to go to report issues that are caused by errors with the WordPress code and implementations.. Think of it as a searchable knowledge base linked with the community support forums – a concept that I’m sure you’re all familiar with. This will complement DevHub nicely and will allow us to fully transition away from the Codex (once everything has been moved over to the relevant hubs of course).

I’ve been putting together an action plan for the project and ready to get going with it, so in order to really kick things off we’ll be having a meeting in #docs at September 22 2015 13:00 UTC (next week). In that meeting we will be getting to know everyone who will be involved, assigning roles and discussing the way forward. I will publish a more specific agenda 24 hours before the meeting.

In order for you to start thinking about how you would like to jump in, we are looking for the following roles to be filled:

  • Content planner
  • 3-4 Developers (who will work closely with the metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. team)
  • Designer (working closely with the meta team as well)
  • Writers (there’s no limit to the amount of writers we can have involved in this!)

If your name appears here then you either commented on one of the previous HelpHub posts with your feedback, or you pinged me directly to indicate your willingness to be involved. The meeting and project is, of course, open to anyone to join.

@samuelsidler @siobhan @justingreerbbi @blmbmj @nlarnold1 @kdrewien @craig-ralston @philerb @jazzs3quence @andrea_r @ipstenu @rachelwhitton @siobhyb @normalize @goblindegook @maartenvp @eliorivero @saurabhshukla @ariwinokur @saracope @wturrell @dinsan @mchildress @wturrell @la-geek @mac2net @netweb
