@kpdesign has been working day and night to…

@kpdesign has been working day and night to get the 4.1 version article filled up leading up to this week’s release. She could really use some help getting it into shape.

In particular, the Under the Hood section could use a bit of work by folks who have more intimate knowledge of coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.. These would be people like @ipstenu, @sewmyheadon, @dh-shredder, @boonebgorges and others who have helped out in the past.

If you think you know someone from the core team who could lend a hand, please please point them this way.

Some items may also need to simply be reorganized from section to section. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

We’re primarily working off of two checklists:

Anything checked off has already been added to the version page in some form, or skipped for brevity.

#codex, #core, #release, #sprint