Design Share #62 (Aug 12-Aug 23)

This is a bi-weekly update of work the design group contributed to. Work happens in overview issues, and in needs design, or needs design feedback issues.

If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, or as a comment on this post.

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#design, #design-share

X-post: WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program Cohort #3 (2024 Q4): Call for Mentees & Mentors

X-post from WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program Cohort #3 (2024 Q4): Call for Mentees & Mentors

Design Share #61 (Jul 15-Aug 9)

This is a bi-weekly update of work the design group contributed to. Work happens in overview issues, and in needs design, or needs design feedback issues.

If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, or as a comment on this post.

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#design, #design-share

X-post: Meet the new Learn WordPress

X-comment from Comment on Meet the new Learn WordPress

Design Share #60 (Jul 1 – Jul 12)

This is a bi-weekly update of work the design group contributed to. Work happens in overview issues, and in needs design, or needs design feedback issues.

If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, or as a comment on this post.

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#design, #design-share

X-post: What would you like to see in the next default WordPress theme?

X-comment from Comment on What would you like to see in the next default WordPress theme?

Design Share #59 (Jun 17-Jun 28)

This is a bi-weekly update of work the design group contributed to. Work happens in overview issues, and in needs design, or needs design feedback issues.

If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, or as a comment on this post.

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#design, #design-share

X-post: The Theme Directory gets a refresh and is now powered by blocks

X-post from The Theme Directory gets a refresh and is now powered by blocks

Design Share #58 (Jun 3-Jun 14)

This is a bi-weekly update of work the design group contributed to. Work happens in overview issues, and in needs design, or needs design feedback issues.

If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, or as a comment on this post.

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#design, #design-share

X-post: Training Team Update – June 2024

X-comment from Comment on Training Team Update – June 2024