You don’t need edit access to use the Figma libraries, you can copy components from there into your own drafts. If you’re a contributor with the ability to grant edit access, please be mindful, and downgrade to view access once the initial need for edit has waned.
Usually, you will be an active contributor to the team and collaborate at least first with a team repTeam RepA Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts.. Should you wish to write a post here are the steps:
Reach out in #design or to a team rep to propose what you want to write on.
Should you put your hand up in a meeting to write about something, you can skip the first step.
If you are facilitating a contribution day for design, you can post about this.
Bigger picture ideas and discussions, for example, this one about ‘Blocks, Patterns and Layouts’.
User research and benchmarking. Usually, this relates to a specific focus or existing TracTracTrac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. ticket/issue.
This is just a suggested list if you have an idea just let everyone know in #design.
Once you are ready to post, you will be given access to make/design (that’s this handbook sites blog). Here is a guide to posting:
Make sure you ask when posting would be a good time in #design. This likely will have been worked out before but just incase hasn’t been do not skip this step.
Write your post.
Save as draft.
If it is your first post you need to get at least 1 team rep to approve before you post.
If it is not your first post still get at least 1 review from other design team members before posting, for example by asking in #design or messaging a team rep or focus maintainer if working on a specific focus.
Once approved for posting, give one last check and publish.