Leading a contribution day

First up, thanks for being amazing and taking time to run a design section at your contribution day. This guide hopefully will allow you to do that easily.


It is really important we have design represented at the contribution days. It is a way for us to get new contributions, to meet each other, and build up the connection between design and all the other groups.

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Before starting

  • Check the guidelines on how to facilitate. It’s fairly easy to do and doesn’t require any seniority or special expertise, just check you feel ok with the various tasks detailed in there.
  • Let us know in the design SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. that you are going to be doing this. This way we can support you. If you tell us the time we may even be around to support remotely – please ask if you need this.
  • Ask for anything that needs help on. We have weekly Slack meetings, coming to those and asking for what needs doing and letting us know, would get you instant feedback. Check the next meeting time in the agenda.
  • Familiarise yourself with the following handbook pages:
  • Write a few sentences you can say as an introduction about what the design team does, should you get asked to say that at the start of the day. You can find some useful content on our about page.

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Planning and Facilitating

Once you contacted the organizers and had a chat in Slack, use the guidelines as a reference for preparing and facilitating the design table. And most importantly: have fun!

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