Design Team Show & Tell — May 2022

Here’s a recap of our Show & Tell call today ✨

Attendees: @beafialho, @jameskoster, @saif2002, @javiarce, @shaunandrews, @fcoveram, @critterverse

General admin/housekeeping

  • As an experiment, we met at 16 UTC rather than 18 UTC today — several folks mentioned that the earlier meeting time was extremely helpful and would allow them to be able to attend more regularly
  • There seems to be a consensus (in the meeting today and in discussion in the Design channel) that an earlier meeting time would work better for many attendees
  • It would also be great if there could be alternate meeting times scheduled to accommodate folks in other time zones — we would need a volunteer to facilitate those meetings

Based on this discussion, I’d like to propose that we change the meeting time to be at 15 UTC moving forward (3 hours earlier than the previously scheduled time).

“What’s New in GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc.” release post assets

@fcoveram shared some assets he’s been creating for the next “What’s New in Gutenberg” release post. You can check out his latest designs in the Figma file.

Improvements to entity-saving

We also discussed potential improvements to multi-entity saving, including some issues that have already been opened around improving saving flows. The biggest takeaway was that it would be nice if multi-entity saving could be less complicated and more intutive, perhaps requiring less decision-making by the user when they click the Save button.

Here’s a recording of the call in case you missed it. See you next month!

#design, #design-show-and-tell