Design meeting notes for June 6, 2018

The full transcript of this meeting is can be found on Slack.

Triage Inbox

  • nothing new this week

Calls for Design

Infographic of Training Team workflow

  • estelaris shared a first draft for feedback, the graphics are not final
  • The goal is very specific: explain to a non-designer, non-programmer user how the training workflow moves in a very simple language, like e explaining concepts like fork, commit, etc.
  • idea from joshuawold: provide showing that flow applied. Maybe a separate step though

Disable Install Plugin button for PHP required version mismatch 

  • joyously: It just feels to me like the existing patches are making it more difficult for the user.
  • discussion ensued

Future private posts listed as already published with future date specified 


WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe

  • NOTE that the 6/13 session of this meeting will be canceled (though the channel is always available for discussions)
  • Some of us (@boemedia @joshuawold et al.) will be working at contribute day, why not open the channel to see who is available to help out? This might happen…

InVision Studio

  • There’s a possibility of getting InVision Studio access for Design Team work
  • Looks exciting but ramping up and adjusting workflows could take some time.
  • It could be a huge benefit to those of contributors can’t pay a pricey license to create.
  • Any Linux version? Likely will be able to use Wine or something similar.

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Design templates of wp-admin for plugin developers on Design team 

Roadmap – Plan to handle bigger communication projects

  • tammie: Maybe the next meeting after WCEU devote half of it to working out the next focus and getting some actual dates and breakdown?
  • joshua: take care of what’s urgent, but still not forget the important stuff
  • mel: need to have a bigger picture of all ongoing projects
