Design updates: week five

This is the weekly call for updates for those contributing to design, as outlined here.

The idea of these it to keep all designers connected. If you are contributing to design please add your reply as a comment to this post by Thursday 23:00 UTC. All comments will be combined into a weekly update post on Friday for the design team.

Not a designer but you have something you’d like us to work on? No problem, you can also leave a comment. Just tell us what it is, if a specific team or skill also tell us that.

Just reply to the following:

  • What did you work on this past week? Anything completed (don’t forget a link to show us the amazing work!)?
  • What are you currently focusing on?
  • Anything you need help with? Got a tricky project? Are you looking for a task? Perhaps you know about a task that needs a designer or need a buddy to work on something (lets support each other)?
  • Any links for inspiration you want to share (doesn’t have to be WordPress design links)?

Everyone is welcome to comment, adding names of all that commented last week and were at summit – your name will be added to list as you give an update (so we can include everyone).

cc: @melchoyce, @michael-arestad, @folletto, @mapk, @sonjaleix, @saracannon, @liljimmi, @joen, @empireoflight, @joshuawold, @celloexpressions, @zetaraffix, @boemedia, @annaharrison