Help user test the new themes in Customizer experience

We need your help to test the new experience to find, install and preview themes through the WordPress CustomizerCustomizer Tool built into WordPress core that hooks into most modern themes. You can use it to preview and modify many of your site’s appearance settings.. The following user testing script you can follow yourself, but also we would love you to run this with anyone else you can. If you can do more than one test, please add a comment per user test to report back. This means we can be sure to get all the good things from each test.

User testing is a great thing to do and this test is a way you can start to explore that. There is a patch here at #37661 that is ready to apply and use in your testing. If you are unable to run this on others though, we are really interested in anyone giving us feedback by following the script.

Whilst we do need all results in by the end of this weekend, it would be great if you can run this test at a local WP meet-up or even contribution day. Here is the test and we’d as said like the results as a comment (one per test), but if you have any thoughts or find issues along the way; please let us know.

You can do this user test by video or text, if you’re videoing, please talk about your experience. If reporting, please write your answer down now.

The testing script

Thanks for taking part in this new feature test. It’s exciting to get input and try and make this the best feature we can.
First up, we’d like to know some background questions just so we know how used to WordPress you are:

  • Before the test, can you tell us if you have installed a theme through WordPress before?
  • Do you use WordPress daily? Weekly or every so often?

Now, the test itself:

  • Go to the Customizer. If you are looking for it, you would need to click the ‘Customize’ link in the toolbar and be logged in.
  • Once in the Customizer, please change your theme to a different theme installed on your site.
  • What was it like changing the theme?
  • Next up, please search for a theme and install it.
  • What was the experience like searching for a theme?
  • Please preview that theme.
  • What was the experience like previewing a theme?
  • Using the filters, please select a few and install a theme once you find one you like.
  • What was the experience like using filters?
  • Overall, what was the experience like using themes in Customizer?
  • If you have installed a theme previously in WordPress, was the way you just installed a theme easier than previously?
  • Thanks for taking part, your input will help make this a great feature for WordPress 🙂

If you do find any bugs please report them on the tracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. ticket here #37661 . If you are unable to do that, just drop a comment and including screenshots really helps.