Thanks so much to everyone who attended this week. If you were unable to make it to the meeting feel free to read the logs. This weeks meeting was quite a bit more low-key. We had fewer in attendance possibly due to the holiday and/or the time change.
The first few minutes we discussed meeting times and have decided to keep the meeting at 18:30 UTC until Europe changes time April 1. We will meet at 17:30 UTC beginning with our April 7th meeting.
I would like to reiterate that this is almost a completely new direction from where this group started. Our original goal was to make the existing Admin Help content more visible to users. The goal now is to create a user experience that is more intuitive by discovering what problems users are currently having and addressing those with appropriate solutions.
Sheri Bigelow (@designsimply) has agreed to help with user testing ♥. We are going to start with a few simple tests and see what that reveals. We can use the information from that testing to move forward with additional tests.
@kpdesign created a Project Page for us, we’ll use that to link to external resources as well as any additional project pages that we need. You can find that page here
What we need: People who love UX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it./UI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. and want to see new users succeed with WordPress. Practical needs are people to help identify tasks, create storyboards, personas, user testing evaluation and any other tasks that might be relevant at this early stage.
We also need tasks added to our ‘User Task List’. You can find the list here and read more about it here.
We will send out a call for developers when we know what kind of developing we need 😉
Join us on Mondays at 18:30 UTC in the WordPress-sfd IRC channel.