Simplified data access with new React hooks in WordPress 6.1

The @wordpress/core-data JavaScriptJavaScript JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser. package in 6.1 ships new ReactReact React is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to reason about, construct, and maintain stateless and stateful user interfaces. hooksHooks In WordPress theme and development, hooks are functions that can be applied to an action or a Filter in WordPress. Actions are functions performed when a certain event occurs in WordPress. Filters allow you to modify certain functions. Arguments used to hook both filters and actions look the same. that make accessing WordPress data easier than before.


With useEntityRecords developers, can fetch a list of records with a single hook call:

useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page' )

Below is what it looks like when used in a React component:

import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
function PageTitlesList() {
   const pages = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page' );
   if ( pages.isResolving ) {
      return 'Loading...';
   return (
         { page ) => (
            <li>{ page.title }</li>
// Rendered in the application:
// <PageTitlesList />

In the above example when PageTitlesList is rendered, the list of records and the resolution details will be retrieved from the store state using getEntityRecords(), or resolved if missing.

The useEntityRecords accepts four arguments:

  • kind (string) – Kind of the entity, e.g. root or a postType.
  • name (string) – Name of the entity, e.g. plugin or a post.
  • queryArgs (object) – Optional HTTPHTTP HTTP is an acronym for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTP is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web and this protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. query to pass to the requested APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. endpoint, e.g. { "per_page": 10 }
  • options (object) – Optional hook options. Currently, the only supported option is enabled and determines whether the records will be requested.

It returns an object with the following properties:

  • records (array) – The requested entity records
  • isResolving (boolean) – Are these records being resolved at the moment?
  • hasResolved (boolean) – Have these records resolved already?
  • status (string) – Resolution status. One of: IDLE, RESOLVING, SUCCESS, or ERROR


Developers can retrieve a single record using the useEntityRecord hook:

import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';

function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
	const page = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );

	if ( page.isResolving ) {
		return 'Loading...';

	return page.title;

// Rendered in the application:
// <PageTitleDisplay id={ 13 } />

In the above example, when PageTitleDisplay is rendered, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from the store state using getEntityRecord(), or resolved if missing.

The useEntityRecord hook accepts four arguments:

  • kind (string) – Kind of the entity, e.g. root or a postType.
  • name (string) – Name of the entity, e.g. plugin or a post.
  • recordId (string|number) – The ID of the requested entity record.
  • options (object) – Optional hook options. Currently, the only supported option is enabled and determines whether the records will be requested.

It returns an object with the following properties:

  • record (object|null) – The resolved entity record.
  • isResolving (boolean) – Is the record being resolved at the moment?
  • hasResolved (boolean) – Has the record already resolved already?
  • status (string) – Resolution status. One of: IDLE, RESOLVING, SUCCESS, or ERROR.
  • hasEdits (boolean) – Does the record have any in-browser edits?
  • editedRecord (object|null) – The record with any in-browser edits applied.
  • edit (function) – Applies the in-browser edits to the edited entity record.
  • save (function) – Persist the in-browser edits to the server.

Below is an example showcasing the editing capabilities provided by useEntityRecord:

import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useCallback } from '@wordpress/element';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { TextControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { store as noticeStore } from '@wordpress/notices';
import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
function PageRenameForm( { id } ) {
 	const page = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );
 	const { createSuccessNotice, createErrorNotice } =
 		useDispatch( noticeStore );
 	const setTitle = useCallback( ( title ) => {
 		page.edit( { title } );
 	}, [ page.edit ] );
 	if ( page.isResolving ) {
 		return 'Loading...';
 	async function onRename( event ) {
 		try {
 			createSuccessNotice( __( 'Page renamed.' ), {
 				type: 'snackbar',
 			} );
 		} catch ( error ) {
 			createErrorNotice( error.message, { type: 'snackbar' } );
 	return (
		<form onSubmit={ onRename }>
				label={ __( 'Name' ) }
				value={ page.editedRecord.title }
				onChange={ setTitle }
			<button type="submit">{ __( 'Save' ) }</button>
// Rendered in the application:
// <PageRenameForm id={ 1 } />

In the above example, updating and saving the page title is handled via the edit() and save() mutation helpers provided by useEntityRecord();


Developers can check the current user’s permissions using the useResourcePermissions hook:

import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data';

function Page({ pageId }) {
	const pagePermissions = useResourcePermissions( 'pages', pageId );

	if ( pagePermissions.isResolving ) {
		return 'Loading ...';

	return (
				? (+ Create a new page)
				: false}
				? (Edit page)
				: false}
				? (Delete page)
				: false}
			// ...

// Rendered in the application:
// <Page pageId={ 15 } />

In the above example when the Page is rendered, the appropriate record-level page permissions and the resolution details will be retrieved from the store state using the canUser() selector, or resolved if missing.

In the following example, the PagesList component requests permissions for the pages collection and not a specific page record:

import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data';

function PagesList() {
   const pagesPermissions = useResourcePermissions( 'pages' );

   if ( pagesPermissions.isResolving ) {
      return 'Loading ...';

   return (
            ? (+ Create a new page)
            : false }
         // ...

// Rendered in the application:
// <PagesList />

The useResourcePermissions hook accepts two arguments:

  • resource (string) – The resource in question, e.g., media.
  • id (string|number) – Optional ID of a specific resource entry, e.g., 10.

It returns an object with the following properties:

  • status (string) – Resolution status. One of: IDLE, RESOLVING, SUCCESS, or ERROR
  • isResolving (boolean) – Is the record being resolved at the moment?
  • hasResolved (boolean) – Has the record already resolved?
  • create (boolean) – Can the current user create new resources of this type?
  • read (boolean) – Can the current user read resources of this type?
  • update (boolean) – Only if id is provided. Can the current user update the requested resource?
  • delete (boolean) – Only if id is provided. Can the current user delete the requested resource?

Documentation: @wordpress/core-data packages

Props for review @bph, @gziolo, and @webcommsat

#6-1, #wordpress-data, #dev-notes, #dev-notes-6-1, #editor

Introducing useDispatch and useSelect

Coming soon via the pending GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. 5.9 pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party release (and the subsequent @wordpress/data package release) are two new apis to use in implementations interacting with the api. useSelect and useDispatch are custom React hooks that enable a more declarative interface to registered stores in the registry. In this post I’m going to try to give some highlights of these new apis.

What happens to withSelect and withDispatch?

The short answer is, “nothing”! withSelect and withDispatch are still usable and are not being deprecated. In fact, under the hood they have both been refactored to use hooksHooks In WordPress theme and development, hooks are functions that can be applied to an action or a Filter in WordPress. Actions are functions performed when a certain event occurs in WordPress. Filters allow you to modify certain functions. Arguments used to hook both filters and actions look the same. also.

There’s no pressing need to retire these interfaces so you can reliably keep on using them!


ReactReact React is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to reason about, construct, and maintain stateless and stateful user interfaces. hooks are becoming an important api in the react ecosystem and this article written by Dan Abramov is a good introduction to them including some of the rationale for why the api was created. For the use case in Gutenberg, the same reasons for hooks in general contribute to why they are being implemented here. Namely:

It’s hard to reuse stateful logic between components

As higher order components, withSelect and withDispatch do a great job at enhancing components to connect with the registry. However, they contribute to the “wrapper hell” commonly experienced in large react apps where stateful logic is shared between components.

Hooks provide a better primitive for interacting with stateful logic and useSelect and useDispatch in turn provide declarative interfaces for interacting with the store state without changing component hierarchy.

Complex components become hard to understand

While much of the complexity of interacting with store state is reduced in the usage of withSelect and withDispatch. The new hooks take this a few steps further:

  • The api is simplified.
  • The declarative behaviour is more straightforward to follow in the context of their implementation. Instead of having multiple withSelect or withDispatch calls, you can now embed useDispatch and useSelect within the components using them (or, preferably, create a custom hook implementing the multiple useSelect and useDispatch hooks and exposing only the props needed by the component).

Classes confuse both people and machines

While this applies more to hook usage in general, it does allow for not worrying as much about lifecycle methods and for implementing directly in functional components. Note, withSelect and withDispatch could also wrap functional components, but the exposure of hooks allows for integrating with the usage of other React hooks.


There will be documentation updated in @wordpress/data docs eventually, but for now, you can see the api and examples directly in the repository.

I’ve also written an overview/introduction to the hooks that gives some insight into usage.

#wordpress-data, #gutenberg, #javascript, #usedispatch, #useselect