The last group mentor chat before the GS…

The last group mentor chat before the GSoC application deadline is today at 4:30 eastern time, at #wordpress-gsoc. To make things a little smoother, interested students should leave a comment here indicating that they wish to speak with mentors in today’s chat. Provide a link to your proposal also, and/or to the hacker’s thread where your idea has been discussed. To help things go faster in the chat itself, please type out your questions in advance so you can copy and paste into the chat when it’s your turn. Also remember to type out a very short summary of your project idea, in case teh mentors haven’t had time to check out your links. Thanks.

Don’t forget, the application deadline is Friday at 19:00 UTC!

#gsoc, #irc

I updated the access flags for #wordpres…

I updated the access flags for #wordpress so more people can help out there when there is trouble. To remind folks, our policy is for people not to be “opped” all the time, only when needed to set/change things. Here are the new folks with access:

