Gutenberg Index 2020

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This page is the one place you can bookmark for GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. team posts of CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress., Core-Editor, Core-js, Core-css, Design, MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress., and Themes, and other teams, when relevant. It’s a chronological listing, not topical. Latest on top.

Discussions are in the #core-editor SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel and development happens in the Gutenberg GitHub repository.

See Explanations on the bottom.

December 2020

2020-12-23 #test #fse-outreach-experiment FSE Program Testing Call #1: Template Editing (u)

2020-12-23 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (23 December) Gutenberg 9.6 (u)

2020-12-21 #core Core Editor Improvement: Video Subtitles

2020-12-21 #core Core Editor Improvement: Text Only Icons for the Toolbar (r)

2020-12-21 #core-editor Editor chat Summary: 16 December, 2020 (m)

2020-12-21 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 17 December 2020 (m)

2020-12-18 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Dec 14, 2020 (u)

2020-12-16 #themesreview Block Themes Meeting Notes for 16 December 2020 (m)

2020-12-14 #themesreview Discussion: Requirements for full site editing themes (u)

2020-12-11 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Dec 7, 2020 (u)

2020-12-11 #core The FSE Outreach Program is Officially Starting! (u)

2020-12-11 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 9 December 2020 (m)

2020-12-10 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 10 December 2020 (m)

2020-12-10 #core Status Check: Site Editing and Customization (u)

2020-12-09 #design Design team meeting notes Dec. 9, 2020 (m)

2020-12-08 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 03 December 2020 (m)

2020-12-04 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Nov 30, 2020 (u)

2020-12-03 #design Sidebar Controls & Component System (u)

2020-12-03 #core-editor WordPress 5.6: Core Editor Overview (u)

2020-12-02 #themesreview Block-based Meeting Notes — December 2 (m)

2020-12-02 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 2nd December 2020 (m)

2020-12-02 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (2 December) Gutenberg 9.5 release (u)

2020-12-01 #design Design meeting team notes December 2, 2020 (m)

2020-12-01 #core What’s next in Gutenberg? (December) (u)

2020-12-01 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 29 November 2020 (m)

November 2020

2020-11-26 #docs Gutenberg developer documentation – Doodle for a meeting (m)

2020-11-26 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 25th November 2020 (m)

2020-11-20 #design Design Team Meeting Notes November 18, 2020 (m)

2020-11-20 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Nov 16, 2020 (u)

2020-11-19 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 12 November 2020 (m)

2020-11-19 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (18 November) Gutenberg 9.4 release (u)

2020-11-18 #themesreview Block-based Meeting Notes — Nov 18 2020 (m)

2020-11-18 #themesreview Theme previews in the time of blocks (u)

2020-11-18 #design Hallway hangout summary: managing blocks in the Customizer (r)

2020-11-17 #core-editor New createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate Block API (r)

2020-11-18 #core-editor Changes to Toolbar components in WordPress 5.6 (r)

2020-11-17 #core-editor Block API version 2 (r)

2020-11-17 #core-editor Editor styling changes in WordPress 5.6 (r)

2020-11-17 #core-editor Reusable Blocks extracted into a separate package

2020-11-17 #core-editor Block Supports In WordPress 5.6 (r)

2020-11-17 #mobile Mobile Team Update – November 17th (u)

2020-11-16 #docs Follow up on Gutenberg developer documentation restructuring proposal (u)

2020-11-13 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Nov 9, 2020 (u)

2020-11-12 #core-editor Editor chat Summary: 11 November, 2020 (m)

2020-11-12 #design Design meeting notes 11 Nov. 2020 (m)

2020-11-10 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 4 November 2020 (m)

2020-11-10 #core Twenty Twenty-One Dark Mode update (u)

2020-11-09 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 5 November 2020 (m)

2020-11-6 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Nov 2, 2020 (u)

2020-11-04 #themesreview Block-based Meeting Notes — Nov 4 2020 (m)

2020-11-04 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (4 November) Gutenberg 9.3 (u)

2020-11-04 #design Design meeting notes 4 Nov. 2020 (m)

2020-11-03 #design Design team Show & Tell for 28 October 2020 (m)

2020-11-02 #core What’s next in Gutenberg? (November) (u)

October 2020

2020-10-30 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 29 October 2020 (m)

2020-10-30 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Oct 26, 2020 (u)

2020-10-29 #design Design show & tell: Windows 10 high contrast mode (r)

2020-10-28 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 28 October, 2020 (m)

2020-10-27 #meta Block Pattern Directory ideas and discussion (u)

2020-10-27 #design Block Directory V2 (u)

2020-10-26 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 21 October 2020 (m)

2020-10-23 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes Weekly Updates (u)

2020-10-23 #themesreview Developing the Full Site Editing version of Twenty Twenty-One (u)

2020-10-22 #core Twenty Twenty-One: Dark Mode Discussion (u)

2020-10-22 #core Widgets Screen Not Shipping in 5.6 (u)

2020-10-22 #design Design team meeting notes 21 October 2020 (m)

2020-10-20 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (21 October) Gutenberg 9.2 release (u)

2020-10-16 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Oct 12, 2020 (u)

2020-10-16 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 15 October 2020 (m)

2020-10-14 #design Design meeting notes 14 october (m)

2020-10-09 #mobile Mobile Team Update – October 6th (u)

2020-10-09 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 08 October 2020 (m)

2020-10-08 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 7 October, 2020 (m)

2020-10-08 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 01 October 2020 (m)

2020-10-08 #design Design meeting notes 7 october (m)

2020-10-07 #themesreview Block-based Themes and WordPress 5.6 (u)

2020-10-06 #core Update | WordPress 5.6 Release Progress (u_

2020-10-02 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Sept 28, 2020 (u)

2020-10-01 #core-editor What’s Next in Gutenberg? (October) (u)

2020-10-01 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 30 September, 2020 (m)

2020-10-01 #design Design Team Show & Tell September 30, 2020 (u)

2020-10-01 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (30 September) Release Gutenberg 9.1) (u)

September 2020

2020-09-03 #core Navigation Screen Removed from 5.6 Release Features (u)

2020-09-30 #core Call for Testing the Widgets Screen in Gutenberg 9.1 (u)

2020-09-28 #core TT1 Chat Summary: 28 September 2020 (u)

2020-09-28 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 24 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-28 #design Design show & tell, 9/25/2020 (u)

2020-09-25 #mobile Mobile Team Update – September 22nd (u)

2020-09-25 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Sept 21, 2020 (u)

2020-09-24 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 17 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-23 #core Introducing Twenty Twenty One (u)

2020-09-22 #core Facebook and Instagram embeds to be deprecated October 24th (u)

2020-09-21 #core Proposal: Dual licensing Gutenberg under GPL v2.0 and MPL v2.0 (r)

2020-09-18 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Sept 14, 2020 (u)

2020-09-18 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 16 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-18 #design Project: Reducing Colors in Core (u)

2020-09-17 #design Design Team Meeting Notes September 16, 2020 (m)

2020-09-17 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 10 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-17 #themesreview Block-based Themes Meeting Summary: Sept. 16, 2020 (m)

2020-09-16 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (16 September) Release Gutenberg pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party 9.0

2020-09-11 #design Design team updates 11 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-11 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Sept 7, 2020 (u)

2020-09-10 #core-editor Docs: How to pull a Gutenberg PR to your local WP develop environment setup. (r)

2020-09-09 #themereview Meeting notes Tuesday September 8th 2020 (m)

2020-09-09 #design Design Team Meeting Notes September 9, 2020 (m)

2020-09-08 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 3 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-07 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 2 September 2020 (m)

2020-09-04 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Aug 31, 2020 (u)

2020-09-03 #core-editor What’s Next in Gutenberg? (September) (u)

2020-09-03 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg? (2 September) Release Gutenberg plugin 8.9 (u)

2020-09-02 #design Design Team Meeting Notes September 2, 2020 (m)

2020-09-02 #themereview Block-based Themes Meeting Summary: Sept. 2, 2020 (m)

2020-09-01 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 27 August 2020 (m)

2020-09-01 #core Bug Scrub Schedule for 5.6 (m)

August 2020

2020-08-28 #design Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #60 (u)

2020-08-28 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Aug 24, 2020 (u)

2020-08-27 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 26th August 2020 (m)

2020-08-25 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 20 August 2020 (m)

2020-08-25 #mobile Mobile Team Update – August 25th (u)

2020-08-24 #themesreview Block-based Themes Meeting Summary: Aug 19, 2020 (m)

2020-08-21 #design Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #59 (u)

2020-08-21 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Aug 17, 2020 (u)

2020-08-21 #design Design meeting notes 19 august (m)

2020-08-20 #design Designer Hallway Hangout – 8/20/2020 (r)

2020-08-20 #core Navigation sync core chat notes (u)

2020-08-20 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 19th August 2020 (m)

2020-08-19 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg (August 19) Plugin 8.8 (u)

2020-08-17 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 14th April 2020 (m)

2020-08-14 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Aug 4, 2020 (u)

2020-08-13 #core WordPress 5.6 Release Planning (Release Schedule) (u)

2020-08-13 #docs Plan proposal for a new better structured Gutenberg developer documentation (u)

2020-08-13 #core-editor Editor chat Summary: 12th August, 2020 (m)

2020-08-13 #core-editor Full Site Editing Milestones Overview (r)

2020-08-13 #design Design meeting notes 13 August 2020 (m)

2020-08-12 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 6 August 2020 (m)

2020-08-07 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Aug 4, 2020 (u)

2020-08-06 #core WordPress 5.5 Core Editor Accessibility Improvements (u)

2020-08-06 #themesreview Block-based Themes Meeting Summary: Aug 5, 2020 (m)

2020-08-06 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 5 August 2020 (m)

2020-08-06 #design Design meeting notes 5 August (m)

2020-08-05 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg (August 5) Plugin 8.7 release (u)

2020-08-05 #core-editor Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 29 July 2020 (m)

2020-08-04 #core-editor New editor preview options (u)

2020-08-04 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 30 July 2020 (m)

2020-08-03 #core-editor What’s Next in Gutenberg for August (u)

2020-08-01 #mobile Mobile Team Update – July 28th (u)

July 2020

2020-07-31 #design Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #58 (u)

2020-07-31 #design Design Team Updates 31 July 2020 (u)

2020-07-31 #themesreview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of July 27, 2020 (u)

2020-07-30 #core WordPress 5.5 Field Guide (#blockeditor) (u)

2020-07-30 #design Design Show & Tell notes 29 July 2020 (m)

2020-07-30 #core-editor Block API Updates in 5.5 (u)

2020-07-29 #core-editor Various changes to WordPress React Components in WordPress 5.5 (u)

2020-07-29 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 23 July 2020 (m)

2020-07-27 #core-editor New Block Tools on WordPress 5.5 (u)

2020-07-25 #core-privacy Open Agenda Item: #core-privacy and Gutenberg (m)

2020-07-23 #core-js JavaScript Core Chat Summary: 21 July 2020 (m)

2020-07-23 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of July 20, 2020 (u)

2020-07-22 #design Design meeting notes July 22 (m)

2020-07-22 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg (July 22) Gutenberg plugin 8.6 release (u)

2020-07-22 #core-editor Core-Editor Chat Summary 20 July, 2020 (m)

2020-07-22 #core-restapi REST API changes in WordPress 5.5 (u)

2020-07-22 #core Navigation sync notes (m) New meeting on navigation screen and blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. development

2020-07-22 #plugins Proposed Block Directory guidelines (u)

2020-07-20 #core Editing Images in the Block Editor (r)

2020-07-20 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 16th July 2020 (m)

2020-07-17 #design Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #57 (u)

2020-07-17 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of July 13, 2020 (u)

2020-07-17 #core-editor Introducing createInterpolateElement (r)

2020-07-17 #design Design Team Meeting Notes July 15, 2020 (m)

2020-07-16 #core-editor Block Patterns in WordPress 5.5 (r)

2020-07-16 #core-restapi New and modified REST API endpoints in WordPress 5.5 (u)

2020-07-16 #core-restapi REST API Parameter & JSON Schema changes in WordPress 5.5 (u)

2020-07-16 #core-js JavaScript Core Chat Summary: 14 July 2020 (m)

2020-07-15 #core-restapi Register theme feature API (r)

2020-07-15 #themereview Block-based Theme Meeting Notes — July 15, 2020 (m)

2020-07-15 #core Dashicons in WordPress 5.5 (the final update) (u)

2020-07-15 #core-editor Editor chat Summary: 15th July, 2020 (m)

2020-07-13 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 9th July 2020 (m)

2020-07-10 #plugins You can now add your own plugins to the Block Directory (r)

2020-07-09 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 2nd July 2020 (m)

2020-07-08 #design Design meeting notes July 8 (m)

2020-07-08 #core-editor Editor chat summary: 8th July, 2020 (m)

2020-07-07 #themereview Meeting notes Tuesday 7th of July 2020 (m)

2020-07-07 #design Design Team Meeting Notes July 01, 2020 (m)

2020-07-06 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of July 6, 2020 (u)

2020-07-06 #themereview Printing navigation-block HTML from a legacy menu in themes (r)

2020-07-05 #themereview Using the block editor for theme-parts (r)

2020-07-03 #core-editor What’s Next in Gutenberg for July (u)

2020-07-03 #design Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #56 (u)

2020-07-02 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of June 29, 2020 (u)

2020-07-02 #themereview Block-based Theme Meeting Notes 1 July, 2020(m)

June 2020

2020-06-29 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 25th June 2020 (m)

2020-06-26 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of June 22, 2020 (r)

2020-06-25 #test New Handbook page: Full Site Editing Outreach Experiment (r)

2020-6-25 #design Design Team Meeting Notes June 24, 2020

2020-06-24 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg (24 June) – Gutenberg plugin release 8.4 (u)

2020-06-23 #meta BlockDirectory Overview Issue on GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. by Alex Shiels (r)

2020-06-23 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 18th June 2020 (m)

2020-06-23 #core-js Summary: 23rd June 2020 – (m)

2020-06-19 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of June 15, 2020 – (u)

2020-06-19 #themereview Block-based Theme Meeting Notes 17 June, 2020 (m)

2020-06-19 #test Gutenberg Usability Testing – Block Patterns (r)

2020-06-19 #designGutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #55 (u)

2020-06-17 #themereview Block-based Theme Meeting Notes 17 June, 2020 (m)

2020-06-17 #design Design meeting notes June 17 (m)

2020-06-17 #core-editorEditor Chat Summary: 17th June, 2020 – (m)

2020-06-16 #core-js JavaScript Chat Summary: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 (m)

2020-06-16 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 11th June 2020 (m)

2020-06-12 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of June 8, 2020 – Weekly News (u)

2020-06-11 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg (11 June) Gutenberg plugin release 8.4 (u)

2020-06-11 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 11th June 2020 – (m)

2020-06-10 #design Design Team Meeting Notes June 10, 2020 (m)

2020-06-08 #themereview Gutenberg + Themes: Week of June 1, 2020 (u)

2020-06-05 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 4th June 2020 (m)

2020-06-04 #core-editor What’s Next in Gutenberg for June (u)

2020-06-03 #design Design meeting notes 3 June, 2020 (m)

2020-06-02 #core-css CSS Chat Summary: 26th May 2020 (m)


  • #team identifies a team’s WordPress Slack channel. Join the Slack space.
  • (m) = Meeting Summaries/Notes, check here for meeting days and times
  • (r) = general resource
  • (u) = indicates an update to software, methods, processes or discussions
  • We use universal date format in yyyy-mm-dd to indicate publication date.
  • Separators divide the list by weeks
  • This page started in July 2020.

Big thanks to Anne McCarthy @annezazu and William Patton @williampatton for support and review.

If you find a post missing or you would like to help with this effort, pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” Birgit Pauli-Haack (@bph) on Slack with the link and she will add it as soon as possible.

Featured ImageFeatured image A featured image is the main image used on your blog archive page and is pulled when the post or page is shared on social media. The image can be used to display in widget areas on your site or in a summary list of posts.: Photo by Raphael Schaller on Unsplash

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