Keeping up with Gutenberg: Index 2024
Other years: 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
This page is the one place you can bookmark for Gutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. -related team posts of Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. , Core-Editor, Core-js, Core-css, Design, Meta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. , and Themes, and other teams, when relevant. It’s a chronological listing, not topical. Latest on top.
📙 Dev Notes Each important change in WordPress Core is documented in a developers note, (usually called dev note). Good dev notes generally include a description of the change, the decision that led to this change, and a description of how developers are supposed to work with that change. Dev notes are published on Make/Core blog during the beta phase of WordPress release cycle. Publishing dev notes is particularly important when plugin/theme authors and WordPress developers need to be aware of those changes.In general, all dev notes are compiled into a Field Guide at the beginning of the release candidate phase. WordPress 6.5 — Fieldguide 📗 Dev Notes WordPress 6.6 — Fieldguide 📘Dev Notes WordPress 6.7 – Fieldguide
November 2024
2024-11-27 #core-editor Editor updates via Dev Chat agenda (u)
2024-11-20 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 19.7? (20 November) (u)
2024-11-19 #core Proposal: Major releases for 2025 (u)
2024-11-18 #design Design Share #68 (Nov 4-Nov 15) (u)
2024-11-15 #core-dev-blog (versus network, site) Snippet: How to disable heading levels in the Editor (r)
2024-11-12 #core WordPress 6.7 “Rollins” (u)
2024-11-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (November 2024) (r)
2024-11-07 #design Announcing the new WordPress Design System Figma library (r)
2024-11-07 #core-dev-blog Summary of the Developer Blog editorial meeting on 7 November 2024 (m)
2024-11-07 #core Getting ready for PHP 8.4: some code changes landing in 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-11-06 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 19.6? (6 Nov) (u)
2024-11-05 #core-dev-blog How to add content-only editing support to a block (r)
2024-11-05 #core-editor Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda (m)
2024-11-01 #design Design Share #67 (Oct 21-Nov 1) (u)
October 2024
2024-10-30 #outreach Recap: Hallway Hangout DataViews and DataForm Components (r)
2024-10-29 #core-editor Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-10-29 #core-dev-blog Getting and setting Block Binding values in the Editor (r)
2024-10-24 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 19.5? (23 October) (u)
2024-10-23 #themereview Design Share #67 (Oct 21-Nov 1) (u)
2024-10-23 #core WordPress 6.7 Field Guide (r) 📘
2024-10-21 #core Updates to Block Hooks in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-21 #core Block Bindings: Improvements to the Editor Experience in 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-21 #core Developer Notes for Zoom Out in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-20 #core New Plugin Template Registration API in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-20 #core Miscellaneous Block Editor Changes in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-18 #core Auto Sizes for Lazy Loaded Images in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-18 #core Post Editor iframing with meta boxes in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-18 #design Design Share #66 (Oct 7-Oct18) (u)
2024-10-18 #core Updates to user-interface components in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-18 #core Extending the Preview Dropdown Menu in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-17 #core-dev-blog Mastering theme.json: You might not need CSS (r)
2024-10-17 #core New block type registration APIs to improve performance in WordPress 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-17 #core Roster of design tools per block (WordPress 6.7 edition (r) 📘
2024-10-17 #core Updates to the HTML API in 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-15 #core Subscribe to changes in the Interactivity API state and context on client-side navigation in 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-14 #core Updates to Script Modules in 6.7 (r) 📘
2024-10-11 #core-dev-blog Dev Blog editorial meeting summary, October 3, 2024 (m)
2024-10-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (October 2024) (r)
2024-10-09 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 19.4? (9 Oct) (u)
2024-10-08 #core Core Editor Improvement: New features and flows for Font Management (r)
2024-10-07 #design Design Share #65 (Sep 23-Oct 4) (u)
2024-10-01 #core-test Help Test WordPress 6.7 (r)
2024-10-01 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda
September 2024
2024-09-25 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 19.3? (25 September) (u)
2024-09-24 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-09-24 #design Design Share #64 (Sep 9-Sep 20) (u)
2024-09-23 #core-dev-blog Actions from Data Views: Adding images to the Media Library (r)
2024-09-20 #design Data Views Update #2
2024-09-17 #design Design Systems: Storybook Improvements (u)
2024-09-17 #core-dev-blog How to build a multi-block plugin (r)
2024-09-23 #core Core Editor Improvement: Simplified Query Loop block with smarter defaults & intuitive settings (u)
2024-09-13 #core-themes Default Theme Chat Summary, September 11, 2024 (m)
2024-09-12- #core-editor Gutenberg development practices and common pitfalls (r)
2024-09-11 #core-editor What is new in Gutenberg 19.2 (11 September) (u)
2024-09-11 #core-dev-blog Summary of the Developer Blog editorial meeting on 5 September 2024 (u)
2024-09-10 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-09-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (September 2024) (r)
2024-09-10 #core-themes Default Theme Chat Agenda: September 11, 2024 (m)
2024-09-09 #design Design Share #63 (Aug 26-Sep 6) (u)
2024-09-06 #design Data Views Update #1 (r)
2024-09-05 #core-themes Default Theme Chat Summary, September 4, 2024 (m)
2024-09-05 #design Advancing the WordPress Design System (u)
2024-09-03 #core Roadmap to 6.7
2024-09-03 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat agenda
August 2024
2024-08-30 #core-themes Default Theme Chat Summary, August 28, 2024 (u)
2024-08-29 #core-dev-blog Registering block templates via plugins in WordPress 6.7 (r)
2024-08-28 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 19.1? (28 August) (u)
2024-08-27 #core Editor Updates via Dev Chat agenda
2024-08-28 #core-dev-blog Using Data Views to display and interact with data in plugins (r)
2024-08-26 #design Design Share #62 (Aug 12-Aug 23) (u)
2024-08-23 #core-themes Default Theme Chat Summary, August 21, 2024 (m)
2024-08-20 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda August 21, 2024
2024-08-19 #core WordPress 6.6.2
2024-08-16 #core Hallway Hangout recording: Let’s chat about what’s next in Gutenberg (August 2024) (u)
2024-08-15 #core Introducing Twenty Twenty-Five (u)
2024-08-15 #core-dev-blog How to extend a WordPress block (r)
2024-08-14 #core Automatic conversion of HEIC images to JPEG in WordPress 6.7 (u)
2024-08-14 #core WordPress 6.7 release squad ready (u)
2024-08-14 #core What’s new in Gutenberg 19.0? (14 August) (u)
2024-08-14 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda
2024-08-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (August 2024) (r)
2024-08-09 #design Design Share #61 (Jul 15-Aug 9)
2024-08-05 #core-dev-blog Registering custom aspect ratios in WordPress 6.6 (r)
2024-08-05 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary 1 August 2024 (m)
2024-08-02 #training Meet the new Learn WordPress (u)
July 2024
2024-07-31 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.9? (31 July) (u)
2024-07-30 #core-dev-blog Building a card layout with a “hover reveal” effect (r)
2024-07-29 #core WordPress 6.6 Performance Improvements (u)
2024-07-23 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda
2024-07-22 #core-dev-blog Mixing and matching styles, colors, and typography in WordPress 6.6 (r)
2024-07-18 #core-dev-blog JSON Schema in WordPress (r)
2024-07-18 #core WordPress 6.6.1 RC1 is now available (u)
2024-07-17 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.8 (17 July) (u)
2024-07-16 #core WordPress 6.6 “Dorsey” (u)
2024-07-15 #core WordPress 6.6 RC4 (u)
2024-07-15 #design Design Share #60 (Jul 1 – Jul 12) (u)
2023-07-12 #outreach Recap Hallway Hangout: Section styles and other block style variation updates (m)
2024-07-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (July 2024) (r)
2024-07-10 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat agenda (u)
2024-07-09 #core Hallway Hangout: Let’s chat about what’s next in Gutenberg (August 2024) (u)
2024-07-08 #themereview What would you like to see in the next default WordPress theme? (u)
2024-07-05 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary 4 July 2024 (u)
2024-07-05 #core-dev-blog 15 ways to curate the WordPress editing experience (r)
2024-07-04 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.7? (03 July) (u)
2024-07-03 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat agenda
2024-07-01 #outreach Hallway Hangout: Section styles and other block style variation updates (e)
2024-07-01 #outreach Recap Hallway Hangout: Exploring Grid Layouts (r)
June 2024
2024-06-28 #design Design Share 59 (Jun 17-Jun 28) (u)
2024-06-28 #core-editor Editing custom fields from connected blocks (r)📗
2024-06-28 #core-editor Updates to the Interactivity API in 6.6 (r) 📗
2024-06-26 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat agenda
2024-06-25 #core WordPress 6.6 Field Guide 📗
2024-06-25 #outreach Recap Hallway Hangout: Theme Building with Playground, Create-block-theme plugin, and GitHub (r)
2024-06-24 #core-editor Proposal: Block Variation Aliases (u)
2024-06-24 #core Miscellaneous Editor changes in WordPress 6.6 (u)📗
2024-06-24 #core-editor Section Styles (u) 📗
2024-06-21 #themereview Theme.json version 3 (u)
2024-06-21 #core-editor WordPress 6.6 CSS Specificity (r) 📗
2024-06-21 #core-dev-blog Styling sections, nested elements, and more with Block Style Variations in WordPress 6.6 (r)
2024-06-20 #core-editor Roster of design tools per block (WordPress 6.6 edition) 📗
2024-06-20 #core Site-wide background images in WordPress 6.6 📗
2024-06-20 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.6 (u)
2024-06-19 #core Theme.json version 3 (r) 📗
2024-06-19 #meta The Theme Directory gets a refresh and is now powered by blocks (u)
2024-06-19 #outreach Hallway Hangout: Exploring Grid Layouts (e)
2024-06-18 #core-dev-blog An introduction to overrides in Synced Patterns (r)
2024-06-18 #core Grid layout type (u) 📗
2024-06-18 #core Editor: Unified Extensibility APIs in 6.6 (u) 📗
2024-06-17 #design Design Share #58 (Jun 3-Jun 14) (u)
2024-06-13 #core Data Views Update – June 2024 (u)
2024-06-13 #core-dev-blog How to create an animated timeline plugin (r)
2024-06-12 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat agenda
2024-06-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (June 2024) (r)
2024-06-09 #core-editor What is new in Gutenberg 18.5 (05 Jun) (u)
2024-06-08 #core Proposal: Bits as dynamic tokens. (u)
2024-06-07 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary, 6 June, 2024 (m)
2024-06-07 #core Preparation for React 19 Upgrade (u) 📗
2024-06-05 #outreach Hallway Hangout: Theme Building with Playground, Create-block-theme plugin, and GitHub (r)
2024-06-06 #core-editor JSX in WordPress 6.6 (u) 📗
2024-06-04 #test Help test WordPress 6.6 (r)
2024-06-04 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
May 2024
2024-05-30 #themereview Themes Team Meeting Notes – May 28, 2024 (u)
2024-05-29 #core Editor updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-05-23 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.4 (22 May) (u)
2024-05-21 #core Core Editor Updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-05-21 #design Design Share #56 (May 6-May 17) (u)
2024-05-20 #themereview Proposal: changes to the themes team (u)
2024-5-15 #core Core Editor Updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-05-09 #core Core Editor Improvement: Upgrade your designs (u)
2024-05-09 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.3? (8 May)
2024-05-08 #core Core Editor Updates via Dev Chat Agenda (u)
2024-05-06 #design Design Share #55 (Apr 22-May 3) (u)
2024-05-03 #core Roadmap to 6.6 (u)
2024-05-03 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary, May 2, 2024 (m)
2024-05-01 #core Core Editor Updates via Dev Chat Agenda (m)
April 2024
2024-04-26 #core Summary of Hallway Hangout on what’s next in Gutenberg (r)
2024-04-25 #core Core Editor Update via Dev Chat Agenda (m)
2024-04-24 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.2? (24 April) (u)
2024-04-22 #design Design Share #54 (Apr 8-Apr 26) (u)
2024-04-17 #core Core Editor Updates via Dev Chat Agenda
2024-04-15 #core-dev-blog Creating an external project template for create-block (r)
2024-04-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (April 2024) (r)
2024-04-10 #core Core Editor Updates via Dev Chat Agenda
2024-04-10 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.1? (10 April) (u)
2024-04-09 #design The new grid experience, feedback needed (u)
2024-04-08 #design Design Share: Mar 25-Apr 5 (u)
2024-04-05 #core-dev-blog Introduction to Playground: running WordPress in the browser (r)
2024-04-05 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary, April 4, 2024 (m)
2024-04-04 #core Hallway Hangout: Let’s chat about what’s next in Gutenberg (m)
2024-04-03 #core Core Editor Updates (Dev Chat) (m)
2024-04-01 #core-dev-blog How to register custom font collections for the Font Library (r)
March 2024
2024-03-29 #outreach Recap Hallway Hangout: Using Site editor in production for client sites (u)
2024-03-28 #core-editor Providing more clarity in the Gutenberg GitHub Repo (u)
2024-03-28 #core-dev-blog How to work effectively with the useSelect hook (r)
2024-03-27 #core Core Editor Updates (Dev Chat) (m)
2024-03-27 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 18.0? (27 March) (u)
2024-03-27 #core-dev-blog How to use WordPress React components for plugin pages (r)
2024-03-26 #core WordPress 6.5 release delayed 1 week (u)
2024-03-25 #design Design Share: Mar 11-Mar 22 (u)
2024-03-25 #core-dev-blog Exploring the Block Hooks API in WordPress 6.5 (r)
2024-03-21 #core-dev-blog Drop Shadow updates in WordPress 6.5 (r)
2024-03-21 #core Font Library update: storage of font files (u)
2024-03-20 #core-edito r Core Editor Updates (via Agenda Dev Chat) (u)
2024-03-19 #outreach Hallway Hangout: Using Site editor in production for client sites (u)
2024-03-19 #core-dev-blog Pattern design tips and tricks for developers (r)
2024-03-15 #core WordPress 6.5 Field Guide (r)
2024-03-14 #core New Feature: Font Library (r) 📙
2024-03-14 #core-dev-blog How to register block variations with PHP (r)
2024-03-13 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary, March 7, 2024 (m)
2024-03-13 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 17.9 (13 March) (u)
2024-03-11 #design Design Share: Feb 26-Mar 8 (u)
2024-03-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (March 2024) (r)
2024-03-09 #core-editor Miscellaneous Editor changes in WordPress 6.5 📙
2024-03-07 #core Unblocking WP6.5 – Font Library and Synced Pattern2 Overrides (r)
2024-03-06 #core-dev-blog Introducing Block Bindings, part 2: Working with custom binding sources (r)
2024-03-06 #core-edito r New Feature: The Block Bindings API 📙
2024-03-05 #core-editor Unification of the site and post editors in 6.5 📙
2024-03-04 #core-editor Updates to Block Hooks in 6.5 (r) 📙
2024-03-04 #core-editor Interactivity API in 6.5 📙
2024-03-04 core-editor Script Modules in 6.5 (r) 📙
2024-03-04 #core-editor Block metadata viewScriptModule field in 6.5 R) 📙
February 2024
2024-02-29 #core-dev-blog An introduction to block-based mega menus (r)
2024-02-29 #core Performance improvements for registering block variations with callbacks (r)
2024-02-29 #core Hallway Hangout: Let’s chat about WordPress Playground (r)
2024-02-28 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 17.8? (28 February) (u)
2024-02-28 #core Core-Editor Updates from Dev Chat (u)
2024-02-28 #core Summary of Hallway Hangout on overlapping problems in the Site Editor (r)
2024-02-27 #core Connect with the GitHub Outreach group to request feedback or further testing (r)
2024-02-26 #design Design Share: Feb 12-Feb 23 (u)
2024-02-24 #core Recap Hallway Hangout: What’s next for the outreach program? (u)
2024-02-20 #core-dev-blog Introducing Block Bindings, part 1: connecting custom fields (r)
2024-02-19 #core Hallway Hangout: Let’s chat about overlapping problems in the Site Editor
2024-02-19 #core-edito r Merge Announcement: Interactivity API
2024-02-19 #core-editor WP Briefing Episode 73: Inside the Interactivity API
2024-02-13 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 17.7? (14th February) (u)
2024-02-12 #design Design Share: Jan 29-Feb 9 (u)
2024-02-10 #core Core Editor Improvement: Power in the Details (u)
2024-02-10 #core-dev-blo g What’s new for developers? (February 2024) (r)
2024-02-09 #themereview Recap of Hallway Hangout on Intrinsic Design (r)
2024-02-08 #core Improving block development documentation: 2023 recap and a look ahead (u)
2024-02-06 #core-dev-blog Adding and using grid support in WordPress themes (r)
2024-02-02 #core-dev-blog Developer Blog editorial meeting summary, February 1, 2024 (m)
2024-02-01 #core New Commit Message Requirements in Git: Hello Props Bot (u)
January 2024
2024-01-31 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 17.6? (31 January) (u)
2024-01-30 #themereview Hallway Hangout: Intrinsic Design (u)
2024-01-29 #core-dev-blog How to disable specific blocks in WordPress (r)
2024-01-29 #design Design Share: Jan 15-Jan 26 (u)
2024-01-29 #core Proposal: What’s next for the Outreach program (u)
2024-01-25 #core WordPress 6.4.3 RC1 is now available (u)
2024-01-23 #core Core Editor Improvement: Robust Revisions in the Site Editor (r)
2024-01-22 #core-dev-blog Building dynamic block-based attachment templates in themes (r)
2024-01-19 #core Big Picture Goals 2024 (u)
2024-01-19 #core-editor Editor: Important milestones for WordPress 6.5 (u)
2024-01-18 #core WordPress 6.5 release squad formation (u)
2024-01-17 #core Phase 3 Media Meeting: February 7, 2024 (m)
2024-01-17 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 17.5? (17 January 2024) (u)
2024-01-17 #core Hallway Hangout Let’s explore WordPress 6.5 Recap (r)
2024-01-15 #design Design Share: Jan 1-Jan 12 (u)
2024-01-13 #test Early Opportunities to Test WordPress 6.5 (u)
2024-01-11 #themereview New Block-Focused Theme Handbook Docs and What’s Coming in 2024 (u)
2024-01-10 #core-dev-blog What’s new for developers? (January 2024) (r)
2024-01-10 #core Dev Chat agenda, January 10, 2024 (m)
2024-01-08 #core-dev-blog – Developer Blog editorial meeting summary, January 4, 2024 (m)
2024-01-08 #core Phase 3 Agency Outreach Recap, December 2023 (u)
2024-01-05 #core-dev-blog 2023: Year in review
2024-01-04 #core-editor What’s new in Gutenberg 17.4? (03 January) (u)
2024-01-02 #design Design Share: Dec 1-Dec 29 (u)
Happy New Year! 🎆 🙌 🎉🥂 Welcome to the 5th year of Gutenberg Index.
#team identifies a team’s WordPress Slack channel. Join the Slack space .
(m) = Meeting Summaries/Notes, check here for meeting days and times
(r) = general resource
(u) = indicates an update to software, methods, processes, or discussions
We use universal date format in yyyy-mm-dd to indicate publication date.
Separators divide the list by weeks
This page started in January 2021. The index started in July 2020
Big thanks to Anne McCarthy @annezazu and William Patton @williampatton for support and review.
If you find a post missing, or you would like to help with this effort, ping The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” Birgit Pauli-Haack (@bph) on Slack with the link, and she will add it as soon as possible.
Featured Image A featured image is the main image used on your blog archive page and is pulled when the post or page is shared on social media. The image can be used to display in widget areas on your site or in a summary list of posts. : Photo by Raphael Schaller on Unsplash
Last updated: November 28, 2024
Handbook navigation