Query component

The Query component includes the following:

  • WP_Query, WP_User_Query, and WP_Comment_Query. These are the three APIs that WordPress offers for constructing complex data queries.
  • Template functions used to deterimine the kind of page currently being requested. These are the is_*() functions – is_month(), is_single(), and so on.
  • WP_Meta_Query, WP_Tax_Query, and WP_Date_Query. These are helper classes, used by the main query classes as well as third-party plugins, to construct SQL clauses related to metadata, taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. https://codex.wordpress.org/Taxonomies#Default_Taxonomies. terms, and date ranges.

Projects for future releases

  • Improved caching. Most queries are currently cached at the level of individual items (posts, users, etc), but the IDs that result from the query are uncached. See #22176 for an example.
  • The query classes, and particularly WP_Query, contain lots of legacy code that causes problems in edge cases, makes unit testing difficult, and so on. There are various initiatives underway to clean up some of these problems. See #30911 for an example related to post_status.


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255 open tickets in the Query component

255 open tickets defect (bug) enhancement feature request
24 30 2
6.8 2 0 0
Awaiting Review 105 33 9
Future Release 28 20 2

255 open tickets. Last 7 days: +0 tickets

2 tickets slated for 6.8

View list in Trac

  • #59516  Improve cache key generation in query classes performance
  • #60745  WP_Query::parse_query() does not handle invalidinvalid A resolution on the bug tracker (and generally common in software development, sometimes also notabug) that indicates the ticket is not a bug, is a support request, or is generally invalid. query arg values

255 open tickets

Open enhancements: 83 View list on Trac
Open tasks: 0 View list on Trac
Open feature requests: 13 View list on Trac
Open defects: 159 View list on Trac

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