Summary of the Developer Blog editorial meeting on 9 January 2025

Summary of the WordPress Developer Blogblog (versus network, site) meeting, which took place in the  #core-dev-blog channel on the Make WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Start of the meeting in Slack.

Attendees: @areziaal, @oglekler, @greenshady, @bcworkz (async) @cwhitmore (async) @annezazu (async) and @bph (facilitator).

Last meeting notes: Summary of the Developer Blog editorial meeting on 5 December 2024

Updates on the site

We started implementing a suggestion we received over the last few months for two more content post types: Snippets and Videos. You can see a list of available snippets here. They are shorter posts and solve one particular task/problem. There is also a separate async meeting format for Snippet approval between the monthly meeting

Video CPT only has one post for now: the recording of Developer Hours: Improve your workflows with WordPress development tools. There is the hope that over the following months, we can start a design process to integrate those two additional custom post types more prominently on the developer blog.

Newly published posts since last meeting

Huge thank you to the writer and reviewers! 🎉👏

Project status

The project board for Developer Blog content is on GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner.

In review

In progress

On the to-do-list, assigned to writers

We have approved topics that still require a writer:

If you know someone who could tackle any of those topics, please comment on the particular issue

New topics approved

Open Floor

New leadership

@bph “After two years of leading the WordPress Developer Blog, it’s time for me to step back and let others take the reins! I’ve enjoyed creating and managing processes, running meetings, and working with all of you. However, due to other commitments, I need to pass the torch.

This is a fantastic opportunity for someone (or a few someones!) to take on a leadership role within the WordPress open-source project. Here are some of the responsibilities involved:

  • Facilitate monthly meetings (tentatively shifting to 15:00 UTC).
  • Manage the editorial calendar and content pipeline.
  • Onboard and support new contributors.
  • Guide reviewers and writers through the review process.
  • Oversee content publishing, ensuring quality and adherence to standards.

By taking on this role, you’ll gain valuable leadership experience, contribute to a vital resource for WordPress developers, and expand your networknetwork (versus site, blog) within the community.

I’ve already spoken with @marybaum, who is potentially interested in helping out. Announcement on the channel of January 10th, 2025:

I am happy to announce that @marybaum has agreed to take on the project WordPress Developer blog. She is a long-time WordPress contributor on the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. team and a brilliant editor. I am very grateful to see the project in such good hands. Please support her as enthusiastically as you supported me in the project.

But, ideally, we’d have a few people sharing the responsibilities. If you’re interested, please contact me on WPSlack by January 23rd or leave a comment on the summary post of this meeting with a brief explanation of your relevant experience and why you’d be a good fit. (edited) 

What’s new for developers Round up post


“In other news, I’d love to have someone (or multiple someones) to volunteer for the What’s new for developers? monthly roundup.

The goal was to always rotate this through various writers so that it would be written from different viewpoints. I’m writing the January 2025 edition, and I’m happy to onboard anyone for February 2025 and set up the doc (we have a reasonably standard formula for it at this point).  I won’t be able to write this for February for sure and possibly afterward for a couple of months at least. Feel free to DM me, pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” me here, or reply to the meeting summary post when it’s published if you’re interested in pitching in here

Upcoming meetings

  • Next Editorial Group meeting February 6th, 2025, at 15:00 UTC (!)📣
  • Next Async Snippet Approval meeting on January 22/23, 2025

Both happening in the #core-dev-blog channel

Props to @greenshady for review.


#meeting, #summary