The WordPress coreCoreCore is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. development team builds WordPress! Follow this site for general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate. There’s lots of ways to contribute:
Found a bugbugA bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are considered enhancements, not defects. After feature freeze, only bugs are dealt with, with regressions (adverse changes from the previous version) being the highest priority.?Create a ticket in the bug tracker.
“What’s new in GutenbergGutenbergThe Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc.…” posts (labeled with the #gutenberg-new tag) are posted following every Gutenberg release on a biweekly basis, showcasing new features included in each release. As a reminder, here’s an overview of different ways to keep up with Gutenberg and the Editor.
The latest release of the Gutenberg pluginPluginA plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party entails a myriad of user experience improvements for selecting section styles, image manipulation and font handling. The DataViews layouts also received important improvements.
In zoom-out mode, users can now apply different sections styles and designs directly from the toolbar, cycling through them and inspecting them in the context of the rest of the page. This enhancementenhancementEnhancements are simple improvements to WordPress, such as the addition of a hook, a new feature, or an improvement to an existing feature. streamlines the decision-making and production process. (#67140)
Font family preview in dropdown
Another user experience improvement can be found in the list of fonts: Each font family is now previewed in the font picker dropdown and gives users a better indication as to what the font will look like. (67118)
Success notices for image editing with Undo link
The outcome of the Image manipulation methods are now better communicated in the blockBlockBlock is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. editor. The success notices are now displayed at the bottom of the editor. The notices also come with a handy Undo link to revert to the original if necessary. (67314)(67312)
Other Notable Highlights
DataViews improvements
This release also contains some Data View improvements. For instance, the table layout received density options: A user can modify the amount of whitespace that is displayed per row on three levels: comfortable, balanced and compact. (67170) Developers working with the Dataviews can now make use of a new APIAPIAn API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. to programmatically register and unregister fields for the various display methods. (67175).
Block supports from experimental to stable.
📣 Plugin authors and Theme builders might appreciate the stabilization of certain block support settings and functions. A separate make blogblog(versus network, site) post will explain the ins and outs. For now, you can read about it in two GitHubGitHubGitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. PRs: (67018) (66918).
Block Library
Details block: Use summary content as default label. (67217)
Make social icon navigation one arrow key press. (64883)
Social Link: Add contentOnly editing support. (66622)
Page List : Add border and spacing support. (66385)
Query LoopLoopThe Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. Using The Loop, WordPress processes each post to be displayed on the current page, and formats it according to how it matches specified criteria within The Loop tags. Any HTML or PHP code in the Loop will be processed on each post. block: Remove ‘add new post’ prompt in the sidebarSidebarA sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme.. (67189)
Query block: Update Enhanced Pagination help text. (67173)
Block Supports: Extend stabilization to common experimental block support flags. (67018)
Borders: Stabilize border block supports within block processing. (66918)
Site Editor > Styles: Open styles inspector when clicking preview canvas. (66996)
Block Editor: Add notice action to revert image to original after cropping. (67314)
Block Editor: Add success notices for image editing. (67312)
REST APIREST APIThe REST API is an acronym for the RESTful Application Program Interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. It is how the front end of an application (think “phone app” or “website”) can communicate with the data store (think “database” or “file system”)
Feature: Set editor rendering mode by post type. (62304)
Terms: Respect order specified by register_taxonomy(). (67154)
Fix dropping media from inserter into Cover block. (67056)
Fix: Preserve Display Preview State in File Block. (67263)
Paragraph: Update condition for rendering Drop Cap for a selected block. (67111)
RSS block: Check for description field before rendering excerptExcerptAn excerpt is the description of the blog post or page that will by default show on the blog archive page, in search results (SERPs), and on social media. With an SEO plugin, the excerpt may also be in that plugin’s metabox.. (66985)
Resolve search block button text overlapping issue. (66868)
Social Links: Fix font family and weight inconsistency in editor. (67204)
Composite: Restore Hover and Typeahead functionality. (67212)
SlotFill: Fix a bugbugA bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are considered enhancements, not defects. After feature freeze, only bugs are dealt with, with regressions (adverse changes from the previous version) being the highest priority. with storing stale fillProps. (67000)
Style panel: Use correct revisionsRevisionsThe WordPress revisions system stores a record of each saved draft or published update. The revision system allows you to see what changes were made in each revision by dragging a slider (or using the Next/Previous buttons). The display indicates what has changed in each revision. count. (67180)
Theme JSONJSONJSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML.: Include block style variations in path only output of get_block_nodes. (66948)
Fix: Logic for Highlight/text-color format availability. (65530)
Fix complex variation selectors when using selectors API. (67061)
Site Editor
Prevent Pre-Publish Panel from Displaying Incorrect Information After Navigating away. (67010)
Site Editor Sidebar: Fixed focus/hover style for navigation item buttons. (67251)
Site Editor: Styles: Fix inspector opening. (67004)
Improve accessibilityAccessibilityAccessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( and consistency of the ‘Last modified’ Revisions button. (66606)
Zoom Out: Disable zooming out when Distraction Free mode is activated. (67028)
Allow flex justification controls to be disabled at the block level. (67059)
Show vertical alignment toolbar with allowSwitching enabled. (67022)
Fix: JavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser. error when pattern categoryCategoryThe 'category' taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging. is unregistered. (67063)
Block Locking: Remove edit locking for Synced Patterns. (67021)
ColorPicker: Add accessible label for copy button. (67094)
Improve the featured imageFeatured imageA featured image is the main image used on your blog archive page and is pulled when the post or page is shared on social media. The image can be used to display in widget areas on your site or in a summary list of posts.UIUIUser interface when it cannot retrieve the image file and data. (66936)
Inline Commenting: Update placement of reply input and add author info headerHeaderThe header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes.. (66580)
Place “Write mode” functionality behind a Gutenberg experiment. (67008)
Add documentation about required CoreCoreCore is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. changes when updating minimum WordPress version. (67167)
ESLint: Enable eslint-plugin-reactReactReact is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to reason about, construct, and maintain stateless and stateful user interfaces. (61788)
Extract selectors from useResolveEditedEntity hook. (67031)
Pattern: Remove backward compatibility code for WordPress < 6.4. (67131)
Post fields: Move author from edit-site to fields package. (66939)
Posts DataViews: Refactor the router to use route registration. (67160)
Comments controller: Fix issue where comments are allowed when closed. (66976)
Fix fatal error in in_array call in post_type_default_rendering_mode. (67225)
ESLint: Bump eslint-plugin-react-compiler to latest betaBetaA pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process.. (67106)
Preferences: Use hooksHooksIn WordPress theme and development, hooks are functions that can be applied to an action or a Filter in WordPress. Actions are functions performed when a certain event occurs in WordPress. Filters allow you to modify certain functions. Arguments used to hook both filters and actions look the same. instead of HoC in ‘EnableCustomFieldsOption’. (67023)
Preferences: Use hooks instead of HoC in ‘EnablePanelOption’. (66994)
Preferences: Use hooks instead of HoC in ‘EnablePublishSidebarOption’. (67002)
Bump minimum required WordPress version to 6.6. (67117)
Add #7895 Core BackportbackportA port is when code from one branch (or trunk) is merged into another branch or trunk. Some changes in WordPress point releases are the result of backporting code from trunk to the release branch. PR to the changelog. (67319)
WP Scripts: Revert changes that inline CSSCSSCascading Style Sheets. imports early in the build process. (66975)
First-time contributors
The following PRs were merged by first-time contributors:
@AKSHAT2802: Add all color palettes to select from editor panel. (65148)
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