Dev chat agenda, July 27, 2022

1. Welcome

Last week’s summary.

To continue a theme: devchat is not just for release squads or project leaders, or coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. committers and component maintainers. Did you know that when you sign up for a WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, the first channel you join, by default, is the Core channel?

That should tell you: devchat is for everyone who has any interest in the WordPress project—which means you. And when you give your valuable time to join the meeting, that’s a pretty big compliment to the people who are there too. So if you typically come as an observer, let the group know you value that hour in the day enough to spend it with them. And say hey, with a hand-wave or some other emoji.

2. Announcements

Details on WordPress 6.1 are out!

If you have an announcement, please add it to the comments. Or show up to the chat, and you can share it live. Preferably, do both!

3. Blogblog (versus network, site) posts of note

@audrasjb reports in with A week in Core.

Core Editor improvement: deeper customization with more template options, from @greenshady

@critterverse proposes A new kind of default theme.

@pbearne proposes adding a dominant color background for images.

@bacoords would like feedback on this Proof of concept: feature notifications.

And in case you missed it last week, @bph shares what’s new in Gutenberg 13.7.

4. Upcoming releases

The next major is 6.1: squad and schedule have landed! (Reprise)

@annezazu has made some suggestions for the Major Releases Handbook page. There’s a Google Doc where you can help out, in comment mode.

The next minor is 6.0.2.

5. Open Floor

Component maintainers get priority, then early tickets.

After that, the floor is yours! Just add your item to the comments, and the cohosts will recognize you.

See you at the chat!

#agenda, #core, #dev-chat