@marybaum and @webcommsat led the meeting on this agenda.
1. Welcome
@marybaum welcomed the group and encouraged everyone who shows up for the chat to say hello with an emoji.
Devchat is not just for lead developers, core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. committers or other so-called special people; like everything else that happens in WordPress, devchat is for everyone. Which means you. So when you come around, say hey and let the group know you’re in the house!
2. Announcements
@webcommsat opened the floor for announcements, and @bph noted that Gutenberg 13.7 was landing at that very moment.
3. Blog (versus network, site) posts of note
A Week in Core from @audrasjb. JB publishes this report every Monday.
@bph pointed out that comments were due that day on her post about the new developer blog.
4. Upcoming releases
The next major is 6.1.
@marybaum and @desrosj spent a few minutes going over what usually happens at the beginning of the formal part of a release cycle, and when those things might start for 6.1. Bottom line: fairly soon! With an expected launch date of October 25, beta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. is likely to happen six to eight weeks before.
The next minor is 6.0.2.
Minor releases contain only bug A bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are considered enhancements, not defects. After feature freeze, only bugs are dealt with, with regressions (adverse changes from the previous version) being the highest priority. fixes and other maintenance code—no new features or enhancements. Their timing and execution depend utterly on the tickets in the milestone.
@marybaum opened a discussion about planning Core tables for Contributor Day at WordCamp US. That day will be September 11, and several Core team folx will be on hand to lead activities.
Would you like to help plan? Let @marybaum, @adamsilverstein or @desrosj know by 23:00 UTC on Friday, July 22, and you’ll get access to a Google Doc that will become the basis for information that’s due to the WCUS Contributor team by July 29.
6. Open floor
@sergey and @webcommsat updated the participants on their respective components. @marybaum gave a shoutout to Help/About and Bulk/Quick Edit co-maintainer @nalininonstopnewsuk, who is back in action on several fronts after some time away. Welcome back, Nalini! You were sorely missed.
@azaozz slipped in at the very end to discuss tickets #55942 and #56199, which he’d very much like to see land in 6.1. He pointed out that #56199 will need some brainstorming and discussion before it can proceed.
Thanks to @webcommsat for meeting prep and cohosting.
#core, #dev-chat, #summary