Performance team meeting summary 12 July 2022

Meeting agenda here and the full chat log is available beginning here on Slack.

Focus group updates


@adamsilverstein @mikeschroder

GitHub project

Feedback requested

Object Cache

@tillkruess @spacedmonkey

GitHub project

  • @spacedmonkey: Code review needed for,, and
    • Committed
    • Reviewed and
    • Believe that is ready to go, would like to commit early and handle edge cases with follow-up issues

Feedback requested

Site Health


GitHub project

Feedback requested



GitHub project

  • We’re seeking 1-2 POCs for this group; if you’re interested, please comment here or ping in Slack
  • @mxbclang: Blog post about plugin performance checker went live last week
    • @flixos90: Have to follow up on comments, but overall very supportive. Some concerns about enforcing coding standards/styles, which we won’t do, so will reply to those; then we can come up with a design and infrastructure build and starting coding. Already worked on a proof of concept here:

Feedback requested

JavaScriptJavaScript JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser.

@aristath @sergiomdgomes

GitHub project

  • No updates

Feedback requested



GitHub project

Feedback requested

Module proposal: SVG uploads

  • @masteradhoc: This is one of the bigger achievable pain points that I see in WP, as the vectorized format is quite popular for logos, icons, and illustrations. SVG is widely supported and has been for some time. A lot of concerns have been raised in the original Trac ticket about this in terms of security, as SVGs could include scripts, which is a security concern. The proposal only allows for SVGs to be uploaded if they do not contain scripts.
  • @pbearne: Seems like a good approach
  • @spacedmonkey: The Images folks are correctly focused on WebP conversion and dominant color. Once those are in core, the team Images team can focus on it, with a 6.2 merge at the earliest. SVG has a lot of benefits but you upload them at your own risk. Need to ensure that SVGs are stripped of inline scripts and maybe even animations.
    • @flixos90: Agreed that supporting any scripting should be avoided, especially to start
  • @spacedmonkey: My code for Web Stories SVGs is open source:, using this library:
  • @flixos90: Supportive of a Performance Lab module for this. Given that there are reliable approaches out there already for stripping scripts from SVGs, would be realistic to get this as a module fairly quickly and then get some testing. 6.2 for core merge would be a realistic goal.
  • @flixos90: Would be compatible with core in terms of licensing, PHP version support, etc?
    • @spacedmonkey: Has a GNU general public license, would need to be loaded into core and maintained
    • @flixos90: How large is the codebase and how complex is the code that actually sanitizes the SVG?
    • @spacedmonkey: 25k, but 4k of that is the readme; it is complex
  • @mxbclang: Sounds like we’re all in favor of moving forward! @masteradhoc will get started working on concept, testing, and administration, but will need some deeper code knowledge – just let us know when you need us.

Help wanted

#core-js, #core-media, #performance, #performance-chat, #summary
