A Week in Core – April 4, 2022

Welcome back to a new issue of Week in CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.. Let’s take a look at what changed on TracTrac An open source project by Edgewall Software that serves as a bug tracker and project management tool for WordPress. between March 28 and April 4, 2022.

  • 43 commits
  • 90 contributors
  • 54 tickets created
  • 6 tickets reopened
  • 64 tickets closed

The Core team is currently working on the next minor releaseMinor Release A set of releases or versions having the same minor version number may be collectively referred to as .x , for example version 5.2.x to refer to versions 5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.3, and all other versions in the 5.2 (five dot two) branch of that software. Minor Releases often make improvements to existing features and functionality., WP 5.9.3, and on the next major, WP 6.0 🛠

Ticketticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. numbers are based on the Trac timeline for the period above. The following is a summary of commits, organized by component and/or focus.

Code changes


  • Adds “select all” shortcut for Mac on permalinks page when .htaccess is not writable – #54633
  • Consistently escape icon URLs in the adminadmin (and super admin) menu – #55496>
  • Do not specify menu order for the Widgets menu when the active theme is a blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. theme – #54916

Build/Test Tools

  • Add unit tests for feed_links_extra()#54713, #54725
  • First pass at a .git-blame-ignore-revs file – #55422

Bundled Themes

  • Twenty Twenty: Fix aria-expanded handling in search toggle – #53951


  • Include all public status in 404 redirects – #47911

Code Modernization

  • Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php#55327
  • Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-importer.php#55327
  • Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php#55327


  • Improve performance of the wp_count_comments function – #19901
  • AccessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessibility) fixes following [53024]#54939
  • Improve performance checking for published pages – #55425
  • When a block theme is active, add an information about Site Editor in the CustomizerCustomizer Tool built into WordPress core that hooks into most modern themes. You can use it to preview and modify many of your site’s appearance settings.#54939


  • Add missing description for $pagenow global in various functions – #54729, #55499
  • Add missing description for $taxnow global in various functions – #54729
  • Add missing description for $typenow global in various functions – #54729
  • Add missing descriptions for WP_List_Table::get_items_per_page() parameters – #54729, #55327
  • Consistently document the $pagenow global in WP_Customize_Manage methods – #55499
  • Further remove HTMLHTML HyperText Markup Language. The semantic scripting language primarily used for outputting content in web browsers. markup from various function summaries – #55506
  • Remove HTML markup from WP_REST_URL_Details_Controller class method summaries – #55506
  • Typo correction in wp_fuzzy_number_match DocBlockdocblock (phpdoc, xref, inline docs)#55493
  • Use correct format for multi-line comments in the_block_editor_meta_boxes()#54729
  • Use third-person singular verbs for function descriptions in WP_Automatic_Updater class, per the documentation standards – #54729
  • Use third-person singular verbs for function descriptions in WP_Customize_Manager class, per the documentation standards – #54729
  • Use third-person singular verbs for function descriptions in WP_Customize_Nav_Menus class, per the documentation standards – #54729
  • Use third-person singular verbs for function descriptions in WP_Embed class, per the documentation standards – #54729


  • Change location of block support styles in wp_head#55474
  • Use wp_unique_id() instead of uniqid() to generate CSSCSS Cascading Style Sheets. class names – #55474


  • Account for HTML entities in wp_extract_urls()#30580


  • Open change permalink structure links in same tab – #55252
  • Validate input of wp_list_pluck()#54751

I18Ni18n Internationalization, or the act of writing and preparing code to be fully translatable into other languages. Also see localization. Often written with a lowercase i so it is not confused with a lowercase L or the numeral 1. Often an acquired skill.

  • Move code out of a translatable string in get_user_count() and related functions – #38741


Login and Registration

  • Add autocomplete attributes – #41136


  • Replace empty site title with domain name in email subjects – #54760


  • Introduce wp_content_img_tag filterFilter Filters are one of the two types of Hooks https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Hooks. They provide a way for functions to modify data of other functions. They are the counterpart to Actions. Unlike Actions, filters are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output.#55347
  • Preserve attachment properties on cropping custom logo – #37750


Posts, Post Types

  • Set post filter in update_post_cache()#50567
  • Translate default labels once – #26746

Quick/Bulk Edit

  • Position action buttons in close proximity – #55364


  • Improve performance by taxonomy queries by adding a limitting requested terms – #55360


  • Add “title” key to i18n schema – #54336


  • Fix notice error in WP_Posts_List_Table class – #38741
  • Introduce the concept of a large site to single site installations – #38741
  • Move get_user_count() and related functions to wp-includes/user.php#38741


Thanks to the 90 (!) people who contributed to WordPress Core on Trac last week: @SergeyBiryukov (11), @costdev (9), @audrasjb (8), @peterwilsoncc (8), @aristath (4), @johnbillion (4), @Spacedmonkey (4), @kebbet (4), @jrf (4), @justinahinon (4), @poena (4), @ironprogrammer (4), @flixos90 (4), @hellofromTonya (4), @afercia (3), @davidbaumwald (3), @azouamauriac (3), @mukesh27 (3), @Clorith (2), @dd32 (2), @antonvlasenko (2), @johnjamesjacoby (2), @sabernhardt (2), @mamaduka (2), @alexstine (2), @joedolson (2), @nacin (2), @jb510 (2), @Rahe (1), @uday17035 (1), @spacedmonkey (1), @r-a-y (1), @adamsilverstein (1), @Znuff (1), @pbearne (1), @Presskopp (1), @marybaum (1), @pbiron (1), @lumpysimon (1), @desrosj (1), @pento (1), @macbookandrew (1), @jrchamp (1), @miss_jwo (1), @obenland (1), @tharsheblows (1), @Mista-Flo (1), @psmits1567 (1), @westonruter (1), @cbravobernal (1), @ndiego (1), @Rufus87 (1), @wonderboymusic (1), @webcommsat (1), @tobifjellner (1), @ComputerGuru (1), @dhanendran (1), @coffee2code (1), @rsiddharth (1), @jontyravi (1), @bhrugesh12 (1), @Chouby (1), @Rarst (1), @chriscct7 (1), @ocean90 (1), @nagpai (1), @dlh (1), @tyxla (1), @utz119 (1), @hareesh-pillai (1), @chintan1896 (1), @jigar-bhanushali (1), @gvgvgvijayan (1), @Valer1e (1), @ryan (1), @ajoah (1), @marv2 (1), @mkox (1), @trex005 (1), @voldemortensen (1), @hellofromtonya (1), @goaroundagain (1), @htdat (1), @chaion07 (1), @Cybr (1), @rianrietveld (1), @oandregal (1), @FolioVision (1), @markjaquith (1),and @helen (1).

Congrats and welcome to our 7 new contributors of the week: @lumpysimon, @nagpai, @jigar-bhanushali, @gvgvgvijayan, @marv2, @mkox, @trex005 ♥️

Core committers: @sergeybiryukov (14), @audrasjb (12), @peterwilsoncc (8), @joedolson (5), @spacedmonkey (5), @gziolo (1), @flixos90 (1), and @helen (1).

#5-9-3, #6-0, #core, #week-in-core