Dev Chat agenda, February 23, 2022

The weekly developers chat takes place in the Make WordPress coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at at 20:00 UTC every Wednesday. Everyone is welcome to follow along and take part.

1. Announcements

Dev chat summary from last week (February 16, 2022). Thanks to @estelaris, @webcommsat and @marybaum for the notes. Could you volunteer to draft the summary from this week’s meeting?

The WordPress 5.9.1 maintenance release came out on February 22, 2022! Download and install for your website.

For more background: WordPress 5.9.x release team and 5.9.1 schedule – thanks to @audrasjb and @mamaduka for leading this, and to everyone who contributed.

2. Blogblog (versus network, site) posts of note

What’s new in Gutenberg 12.6? (published February 16, 2022)

A Week in Core (published 21/2/22) 

3. Update on upcoming releases

(Updated 22:16 UTC by @webcommsat)

WordPress 6.0 Development Cycle

4. Open Floor

If you are a component maintainer and have an issue to highlight or would like some help, please add a comment.

For other blog posts relevant to core’s dev chat, please add them in comments for the team reps @marybaum and @audrasjb to pick up for the meeting.

Thanks to @marybaum for reviewing the agenda and @webcommsat for finding relevant links.

#5-9-1, #agenda, #dev-chat