DevChat summary, December 1, 2021

The agenda followed for the meeting.

The meeting was led by @marybaum and summary written by @webcommsat.

The full meeting starts at this link in the CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel

1. Welcome

2. Announcements

WordPress Beta 1 is out (30 November 2021)

3. Useful posts

4. Update on journey to BetaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. 2

@hellofromtonya: Beta 2 is planned for next week, 7 December 2021.

Until that time, focus shifts towards triaging, investigating, and fixing issues found in Beta 1 or just prior to it.


There are 4 issues identified during the release party and after which need contributors to help test, share feedback, investigate, and resolve:

GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc.

Work continues on bugs in Gutenberg too though currently not seeing blockers and progress on the list of important is proceeding well.

How can you help?

Test, Test, Test. Give feedback through a test report that shares your findings, even if it’s “can’t reproduce”.

And thank you to all contributors. Your contributions help to make WordPress.

@costdev: For test reports, you can use this template (screencast optional).

For test reports, you can use this template (screencast optional).

Just a note that the test report template is also very useful for including in the original description in a ticketticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. when you’re reporting an issue.

Letting us know the environment that the issue occurs on lets us:

  • Try to reproduce using that environment
  • Try to reproduce using a similar environment
  • Try to reproduce in totally different environments

@marybaum: Thanks @hellofromtonya and @costdev. For our #Marketing and other observers, this kind of testing doesn’t require any code skill.

5. Component maintainers update

About / Help page

@webcommsat: With the beta 1, we postponed our weekly catchup to this Friday 3 December 2021, 19:00 UTC. In addition, there will be a 10 minute drop-in, facilitated by @marybaum from 18:50 UTC for those coming to shadow, observers, or new people from marketing. We will look further at the designs from @critterverse and other items on the About page and its associated items, and the start of the social media collaborations. Please join us if you can and look at the initial design draft on the ticket.

If anyone has a particular aspect to highlight for Friday, please let @marybaum and @ abhanonstopnews (on Slack) know.

More on how you can help contribute to social media promotions for the 5.9 release on the marketing blog. Everyone is welcome to join the marketing meeting next week, Wednesday 8 December 2021, at 14:00 UTC, to start exploring the social media posts too.

6. Open Floor

Q. A question asked in Marketing today, if someone finds an error on beta 1, is there a cut off for when they can report it?
A: There is no cut-off. They can report it when/ if something is found.

No other items were raised.

#5-9, #dev-chat