Dev Chat Agenda for Sept 15, 2021

Here is the agenda for this week’s developer meeting to occur at September 15, 2021, at 20:00 UTC.

Blogblog (versus network, site) Post Highlights and announcements

Bringing to your attention some interesting reads and some call for feedback and/or volunteers:

Components check-in and status updates

  • Check-in with each component for status updates.
  • Poll for components that need assistance.

Open Floor

Do you have something to propose for the agenda, or a specific item relevant to the usual agenda items above?

Please leave a comment, and say whether or not you’ll be in the chat, so the group can either give you the floor or bring up your topic for you accordingly.

This meeting happens in the #core channel. To join the meeting, you’ll need an account on the Making WordPress Slack.

#5-8, #5-9, #agenda, #core, #dev-chat