WordPress 5.6 ‘Simone’ Retrospective

Having fully celebrated the release of 5.6, but before turning focus our to 5.7 it would be so helpful to this and future squads, if all those involved in contributing could take a moment to share their thoughts about the process of the release.

Taking the pulse in the form of a retrospective will help uncover things that the WordPress coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. team find valuable to keep doing in future releases because they were a positive experience and moved the project forward in the way we need. It will also help identify areas that were not helpful in fulfilling our goals or were not positive for people participating. So we value all feedback to help us continue to iterate.

To participate in this retro, please take a few moments to fill in this form. It is not anonymous, but your email address will not be kept or used for any other purpose than to discourage trolling.

Thank you one and all for your contribution to this release, and thanks in advance for taking the time to help make future releases even better. Expect the consolidated results to be published early in 2021.

If you prefer, here’s a link to the form embedded below.

(Props to @audrasjb for copy edit suggestions).

#5-6, #retrospective