The WordPress coreCoreCore is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. development team builds WordPress! Follow this site for general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate. There’s lots of ways to contribute:
Found a bugbugA bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are considered enhancements, not defects. After feature freeze, only bugs are dealt with, with regressions (adverse changes from the previous version) being the highest priority.?Create a ticket in the bug tracker.
With WordPress 5.6 around the corner, this post is your “one-stop shop” for all of the new coreCoreCore is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. editor related features and changes coming to your sites. While this release won’t bring changes to the widgetWidgetA WordPress Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these widgets in sidebars also known as widget-ready areas on your web page. WordPress widgets were originally created to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress theme to the user. or navigation interfaces, plenty of exciting features and improvements are coming to the blockBlockBlock is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. editing experience!
To make it easy to skim through to your favorite parts, we have grouped features into a few relevant sections.
Content creation
Creating the perfect content gets easier as editor tools continue to improve.
Colors in the list block, and setting a sharp gradient.
Create richer backgrounds with the new cover block video position controls. #22531
Background images in the cover block can now be repeated to form patterns. #26001
Define your content image sizes with the new media and text blocks. #24795
Columns block has a new one-column option, opening up more potential for layouts. #24055
Select several blocks and transform them into a Columns block with one click! #16504
Video subtitles functionality was added, enabling creators to upload subtitles and allowing more people to access video content. #7673
Get ahead of time zone snafus when scheduling a post with the timezone hints. #23400
Timezone in post publish settings.
Adapting the experience
One size doesn’t fit all! Check out these new options, continuing improvements, and adaptations to the content creating experience.
Display buttons as text-only instead of icon-only: this gives options for how you experience the toolbar; an important improvement for accessibilityAccessibilityAccessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( #10524
Find a reorganized and user-friendly Options modal, now named “Preferences.” #25837, #26198
Get full search results with post author and parent page selectors autocomplete component. (Post author selector: #23237 and parent page selector: #25267)
Need a focused writing experience? Check out these writing enhancements: #22494
The drag handle is back in the block toolbar! Along with a bunch of enhancements for a smoother drag and drop experience. #24852
Search blocks and patterns easily across all inserters. #25105
Display site icon (if one is set) in full-screen mode: bringing your site branding to the editing experience. #22952
Need to reach that word minimum? Character count now shows in the info panel. #24832
New settings in the preferences modal.
Under the hood
Block supports is a new APIAPIAn API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. that allows block authors to add customization options (such as font size, text color, or gradient) by simply declaring support for them in the block attributes. Find out all the details in this post.
Column and Group blocks now allow template lock to be set as an attribute. This allows template authors to define whether or not to lock their columns and groups. #26128
Block API version 2 advances the cause of bringing the editor DOM tree closer to the saved content, by allowing blocks to render their own wrapper element. Block authors can find more info on how to use it in this post.
This release introduced the default theme Twenty Twenty One. This led to a few iterations in the editor, improving theming for everyone and even allowing block patterns to be styled more easily.
Separator block now has more alignment options opening up more ability to go with the content you are creating. #25080
Add wide and full width support to headings: allowing headers to adapt with your content. #25655
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