Full meeting transcript on Slack: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/CQ7V4966Q/p1594328432163400
I (@notlaura) facilitated the meeting.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets. audit updates
There were no specific audit updates this week. I suggested starting a conversation about next steps for the audit since we have a good amount of data collected in the Google Doc, but that is not an ideal format for presenting the data. @ryelle indicated that once we figure out what data format will be useful, we can iterate on the CSS audit tool so that it can be run as a report.
@kburgoine asked about the purpose of regular audits – is it just about the numbers, or are there other conclusions we can make based on a regular report?
For now, we can think about what purpose regular audits would serve, and what data we would like to regularly audit (e.g. for tracking a certain initiative or progression in the codebase).
Color scheming updates
@youknowriad reported that has worked on a PR implementing the system of custom properties used in Gutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/ for wp-admin (and super admin), and summarized the work in a comment on ticket #49999. @ryelle clarified that the intent of that ticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. was to rethink color schemes to be fully flexible vs. re-doing current color schemes with custom properties. @youknowriad explained that having the variables working at least with one color can get us closer to a full featured system that can support dark mode.
@kburgoine asked if an overall strategy for using custom properties had been defined, and @youknowriad said that the deeper discussions are still to be had, but that having a concrete PR can be useful. He is looking for feedback on the PR regarding the base color, the naming (decided by the implementation in Gutenberg), and iteration / discussion on subsequent variables as needed. @ryelle mentioned that the naming is a sticking point since we have been discussing ways to rethink the naming system.
I asked how, in the Gutenberg mixin, the primary color had been selected since it was not based on a specific variable in the existing color schemes. @youknowriad replied that it was chosen as the most important colors of the color scheme, and @ryelle mentioned it likely had to do with contrast.
CSS Latest and Greatest Link Share
@danfarrow shared a run of CSS Stats on WordPress.org 🙂
I shared Style Stage, a project that is a reincarnation of “CSS Zen Garden” with modern CSS.
That was all for this (last) week!
#core-css, #summary