An updated Button component in WordPress 5.4

As the @wordpress/components package becomes the vehicle that implements more and more of the WordPress design system, and as that system matures, its components get more consistent and more coherent.

WordPress 5.4 adds a number of changes and enhancements to the Button component.

Button sizes

In keeping with the overall design direction of the project, the button default height is now 36px. So you no longer need to use the previous isLarge prop variation.

The Button still supports the isSmall variation.

import { Button } from '@wordpress/components';

const regularButton = <Button>My Button</Button>;
const smallButton = <Button isSmall>My Button</Button>;

To keep all the button variations consistent, their styles now declare specific heights.

If you’ve been relying on the previous buttons’ dynamic heights to make them adapt to their content, you’ll want to override the new fixed heights. Make sure you add the rule below:

height: auto;

Icon support

In previous versions, the components package offered a Button component for regular buttons and an IconButton for buttons with icons.

WordPress 5.4 merges those components. To show buttons with icons, pass an extra icon prop to the regular Button component. You can also mix text and icons.

import { Button } from '@wordpress/components';

const myIcon = (
  <svg xmlns="" viewport="0 0 20 20">
    <path r="M5 4l10 6-10 6V4z" />

const SimpleIconButton = <Button icon={ myIcon } label="Button label" />;

const IconAndTextButton = (
  <Button icon={ myIcon }>
    Button Text

Note: the IconButton is still available, but it’s officially deprecated.

Classname changes

In previous versions, icon buttons relied internally on the components-icon-button. With the merger of the Button and IconButton components, WordPress removes this class name and replaces it with .components-button.has-icon.

Recommendation: Don’t rely on any internal className a component might use. If you want to target a specific component, prefer adding your own className prop and use that instead.

Going further

Try out the Button component or the other wordpress/components. Check out the components Storybook.

#5-4, #block-editor, #components, #dev-notes