Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 18 December 2019

This post summarizes the latest weekly Editor meeting, held in the #core-editor SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. channel, on Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 14:00 UTC.

The agenda of the meeting is here.

Next coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. editor meeting is January 8th, 2020.

Because of a lot of people being AFK for their holidays we’ll skip the next two meetings and plan the next GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/ release (and #core-editor meeting) for January 8th, 2020.

Considering our consistent bi-weekly release schedule, there were 23 Gutenberg versions released in 2019.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

Task Coordination

Note: Anyone reading this summary outside of the meeting, please drop a comment in the post summary, if you can/want to help with something.


  • I migrated the MediaReplaceFlow to the video, audio, file and media+text blocks and the PRs are waiting for a review. They’re all pretty small code wise: 19198, 19174, 19162, 19158.


  • Triagetriage The act of evaluating and sorting bug reports, in order to decide priority, severity, and other factors. continues and trying to ensure everything has a design review on PRs within short time.
  • Wrote v1 of triage team doc and it’s up on issue.
  • Spending sometime this week clearing down queues a bit and already finding I can close some, so nice to close!
  • Began working on navigation in wp-adminadmin (and super admin): working out boundaries for this.
  • Did some mobile web testing and logged some issues, continuing this.
  • Sentence case merged.
  • Quick fix for welcome guide.
  • Lots of design feedback and testing.


  • No new development happening from me this week but I do have this open PR for deprecating wordpress/nux that I’d love some eyes on: 18981


  • I’ve been working on a few PRs to improve APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. and consistency for the Button component
  • I’ve been working on a keyboard shortcuts package to ultimately allow editing shortcuts and registering third party ones
  • A few janitorial PRs


  • Been doing some fixups: – Fix ArrowUp/parent blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. selection: 19135
  • Fix IE11 Welcome Modal: 19201
  • Would still like to land removal of “shortcuts” (needs review): 19045
  • Starting to explore user preferences persistence (more “sticky” than browser storage): 19177

Hoping to hit on a few things in next days:

  • Better data reuse for REST APIREST API The REST API is an acronym for the RESTful Application Program Interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. It is how the front end of an application (think “phone app” or “website”) can communicate with the data store (think “database” or “file system”) https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/. _fields (opens up new optimization possibilities)
  • docgen improvements (edited) 


  • Linking Media in Media + Text block is merged! 18139
  • Was hoping for some dev help on new Block Library categories: 11406
  • If the widgets screen is ready for testing, @jorgefilipecosta, I’d like to do some usability tests.
  • Usability testing the Nav block.


  • Been working on Raw handling, RichText, and slowly making progress with the toolbar in popover PR.


  • Been working on edit-site and new entity APIs. Also template part editing flows.


  • I have one small tweak left for adding background color support to the columns block. Refactored it to use the ‘useColors’ hook. Next I’ll do the same for the Column block on a separate PR 17813


  • I’ve been working on making the editing canvas resizable, PR in progress here: 1908
  • Branching off from that, I’m starting to look at how we might optimise default block styles with CSSCSS Cascading Style Sheets. variables without breaking things completely in IE.

Open Floor

There was a lot of discussion on improved revision control. The main point raised by @Carike was that by using branched revisionsRevisions The WordPress revisions system stores a record of each saved draft or published update. The revision system allows you to see what changes were made in each revision by dragging a slider (or using the Next/Previous buttons). The display indicates what has changed in each revision., with minor and major designations, users will be able to use block based themes more easily. @epiqueras offered that branching or minor/major revisions are too complicated and a better improvement to revisions si to have them support block level changes.

The general agreement was that we need better revisions performance and UXUX User experience.

The discussion continues in Track ticketticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. #48953.

A second discussion happened about adding pagination to the latest posts block. There was a heated debate on whether pagination is a stand-alone block or simply a feature of blocks that need pagination. @karmatosed argued that pagination is not an option that an user might think as requireing inserting a block. @epiqueras argued pagination should be a block and be developed in such a way that if it is used standalone it would default to paginating the default post loopLoop The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. Using The Loop, WordPress processes each post to be displayed on the current page, and formats it according to how it matches specified criteria within The Loop tags. Any HTML or PHP code in the Loop will be processed on each post. https://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop. in the page, while other blocks might opt to use it by default (e.g. the latest posts block).

The issue is still up for debate, UX and technical solution in the GH issue #13584.

On a final note, happy holidays for those who do that and happy new year!

#meeting-notes, #core-editor, #editor, #gutenberg