JavaScript chat summary, October 29nd, 2019

Below is a summary of the discussion from last week’s JavaScriptJavaScript JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser. chat (agendaSlack Transcript)

Have a topic for discussion for the next meeting? Leave a suggested edit on this week’s agenda.

ReactReact React is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to reason about, construct, and maintain stateless and stateful user interfaces. prerelease channels

Slack Conversation

There was an announcement from the React team about official prerelease channels:

The long story short is they are promoting react@next prereleases and share some guidelines on how to test projects with the upcoming changes to their libraries. If you want to get involved and explore how the GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. project could participate please comment on the corresponding issue.

Time of the meeting

Slack Conversation

Weekly meetings discuss JavaScript in the context of the WordPress ecosystem and we value the input from people working with JavaScript in WordPress. We wanted to survey people whether they would like to participate in the weekly chat if there was a different time?

As of today, we expect you’ll come to the meeting prepared to contribute your perspectives and help influence direction. You can also share in comments what would you expect from such meetings.

Testing components

Slack Conversation

There is an ongoing discussion about different approaches to testing UIUI User interface components on GitHub. It isn’t a new topic. We have already considered removing enzyme in the past when some React APIs weren’t covered, but we gave up because of its wide usage.

We agreed that we can live with enzyme in old files following Code Refactoring guidelines, but we should plan to make it easier to contribute with tests when working on new features. @nerrad emphasized that it would be good to iron out what testing approach we want to recommend going forward. If anything the discussion in that issue highlights, we should include it in the Testing Overview documentation as the very first step.

@gziolo proposed we consider the E2E testing approach with the instance of Storybook as the testing environment given that it is a static site working like a single page application. @itsjonq shared that he’s done storybook E2E testing using Cypress in the past. It was something that could be automated by CI (Travis) and it worked great.

#core-js, #corejs, #javascript, #js, #meeting-notes