What’s new in Gutenberg? (31 July)

The number of GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/ contributors is growing significantly and it’s a pleasure to see how people from all around the world come together to build and improve the software. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the 48 contributors that participated in this release.

Among the improvements of Gutenberg 6.2, a feature that might seem small but which a lot of people were waiting for: the possibility to customize the target of the Button blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. (open the link in a new tab).

We also had a lot of people asking for the possibility to use all kinds of block types in the Cover and Media & Text blocks, so we’ve removed their nested block restrictions.

From a Developer Experience perspective, this release introduces a new PHPPHP The web scripting language in which WordPress is primarily architected. WordPress requires PHP 7.4 or higher APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. to simplify the registration of block styles variations.

// Registering a style variation using a registered WP style.
		'name'         => 'fancy-quote',
		'label'        => 'Fancy Quote',
		'style_handle' => 'myguten-style',

// Registering a style variation using an inline style.
		'name'         => 'not-fancy-quote',
		'label'        => 'Not Fancy Quote',
		'inline_style' => '.wp-block-quote.is-style-not-fancy-quote { color: blue; }',



New APIs

Bug Fixes




Performance Benchmark

The following benchmark compares performance for a particularly sizeable post (~ 36000 words, ~ 1000 blocks) over the last releases. Such a large post isn’t representative of the average editing experience but is adequate for spotting variations in performance.

VersionLoading TimeKeyPress event (typing)
Gutenberg 5.3 (WordPress 5.2)7.6s80.13ms

👏 Kudos to all the contributors. Thank you.

#core-editor, #editor, #gutenberg, #gutenberg-new