Reverting the Bulk Ticket Closing

Recently, a bulk modification was performed on TracTrac An open source project by Edgewall Software that serves as a bug tracker and project management tool for WordPress. affecting 2,300+ tickets that had not seen any activity in 2 years or more. These tickets were closed and marked as wontfix. To read a more detailed breakdown, check out the previous post on the subject.

After discussing, it has been determined that the bulk action should be reverted, but only for tickets that have not had their status changed or otherwise confirmed via comments that closing is acceptable since the bulk closure. It can be safely assumed that closed tickets updated after the bulk edit have been appropriately groomed and should remain in their current state. A full list of tickets slated to be reopened can be found using this Trac query.

Tickets should only be closed if they have been individually evaluated and it is determined that they are either no longer relevant, have been fully and properly addressed, and any changes have been adequately communicated to the community.

These tickets will be reopened during the week following the 5.1 release (February 24-March 2) by @jeffpaul and myself (@desrosj). All reopened tickets will be placed in the Awaiting Review milestone so that they can be properly triaged by component maintainers and the Triagetriage The act of evaluating and sorting bug reports, in order to decide priority, severity, and other factors. Team in the coming months.

#trac, #triage