Multisite Recap for the week of August 21st

Office Hours Recap

The agenda for this office hours meeting was to brainstorm about finding a solid way to check for the existence of the blogmeta database table for site metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. (see #37923).

The meeting’s chat log

Attendees: @dac, @flixos90, @jeremyfelt, @johnbillion, @pmbaldha, @spacedmonkey, @vizkr

Chat Summary:

  • There is no global storage in WordPress, but the blogmeta table exists in global context, therefore we can’t reliably check whether the table exists based on the db_version setting of the current networknetwork (versus site, blog). We need to find a way to cache this value somewhat globally and work around the limitation.
  • A network option site_meta_supported should be used to store the result of the direct database check. It should only be available on the main network to simulate the one central access point as if the setting was global.
  • A dedicated function is_site_meta_supported() should be developed to check whether the blogmeta table exists in global context or not.
  • The option site_meta_supported should not be set on every network, to prevent unnecessary clutter and to make possible future migrationMigration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies. easy.
  • The function is_site_meta_supported() should check a specific filterFilter Filters are one of the two types of Hooks They provide a way for functions to modify data of other functions. They are the counterpart to Actions. Unlike Actions, filters are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output. first. If the filter returns something other than null, the function should return that result immediately. Otherwise it should check the main network’s site_meta_supported option. If that is not set yet, the function should run a direct database query to check for the table existence and populate the main network option accordingly.
  • The upgrade_network() function should set the main network option based on a direct database check.
  • The site meta ticketticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. is getting closer to commit. It should be ready once the suggested changes are in place (see #37923).

The next office hours will take place on Tuesday 16:00 UTC. An agenda for it will be posted in advance.

Ticket Scrub Recap

The agenda for this ticket scrub was to look at the tickets #40764 and #41344.

The meeting’s chat log

Attendees: @afragen, @desrosj, @ina2n, @pmbaldha

Chat Summary:

  • In multisitemultisite Used to describe a WordPress installation with a network of multiple blogs, grouped by sites. This installation type has shared users tables, and creates separate database tables for each blog (wp_posts becomes wp_0_posts). See also network, blog, site, theme updates do not show the new version number. The patchpatch A special text file that describes changes to code, by identifying the files and lines which are added, removed, and altered. It may also be referred to as a diff. A patch can be applied to a codebase for testing. to fix this bugbug A bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are considered enhancements, not defects. After feature freeze, only bugs are dealt with, with regressions (adverse changes from the previous version) being the highest priority. is looking good. There was only some coding standard error (see #40764).
  • Secure Email Integration with SMTP: It was decided that the ticket is pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party territory due to the huge variety of mechanisms and services for sending mail (see #41344).

The next ticket scrub will take place on Monday 17:00 UTC. An agenda for it will be posted in advance.
If you were unable to attend one of these meetings but have feedback, please share your thoughts in the comments on this post. In case there’s a need for further discussion we will ensure to make time for it in one of next week’s chats. See you next week!

#4-9, #multisite, #networks-sites, #summary