After introducing the Preferred Languages project less than two weeks ago, we held our first meeting on Wednesday. This is a summary of the Preferred Languages chat from October 26. (Slack log)
Attendees: @casiepa, @chantalc, @petya, @swissspidy
After going through initial feedback on the introduction post, there was a short recap of ideas that have been suggested so far:
- Have a translated setting of preferred languages, where the translators would define the locales they should “fall back” to in case there’s no translation The process (or result) of changing text, words, and display formatting to support another language. Also see localization, internationalization. available. E.g. de_CH states to prefer de_DE and de_DE_formal after that.
- Pros: simple solution, no UI User interface changes needed
- Cons: very subjective, unclear how the expected translations would be installed
- Rely on the
header The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes. every browser sends, which is set based on the user’s system preferences.
- Pros: no UI changes needed, it’s a reliable standard
- Cons: no support for formal language variants, unclear how the expected translations would be installed
- Extend the UI to allow setting multiple preferred languages
- Pros: leaves the choice to the user, clear how to install the expected translations, could be used together with
- Cons: makes the UI option more complex
Besides that, it was suggested to display a note to the user when there’s a missing translation to encourage them to translate WordPress. However, this can be worked on independently in #23348.
Before we get into details and possible solutions, more (non-technical) research needs to be done. We’re mostly interested in how other platforms and content management systems handle this. Think Wikipedia, Facebook, Drupal, Joomla, and so on. WordPress isn’t the only system facing this situation.
Research results can be shared in the comments to this post. Every help in that regard is highly appreciated! So far I’ve collected some information about Drupal and Joomla. After that, I’ll publish the results in a separate blog (versus network, site) post.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 9 November 2016, 17:00 UTC in the #core-i18n Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.
#feature-projects, #i18n, #preferred-languages, #summary