Some housekeeping items to share so I don’t need to cover it in the meeting today:
New notification preferences are live. On the notifications page, you’ll be able to subscribe to activity from all tickets in a particular milestone, component, or focus. You can also subscribe to only new tickets, in case you want to then selectively watch tickets as they come in.
New greeting on make/core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.. Look up. Or if you’re viewing this post directly, check out the homepage. Right now the “Get Involved” menu item leads you to there, but it’d been tough to know where to go from there. This serves to introduce new people and get them information quickly: what this blog (versus network, site) is, where to file a bug A bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are considered enhancements, not defects. After feature freeze, only bugs are dealt with, with regressions (adverse changes from the previous version) being the highest priority., how to start contributing; and provides some info about IRC Internet Relay Chat, a network where users can have conversations online. IRC channels are used widely by open source projects, and by WordPress. The primary WordPress channels are #wordpress and #wordpress-dev, on and our meetings.
New, simpler new ticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. form: I simplified the new ticket form, cleaning up the warnings, text, and chrome (it had a lot of borders and fieldsets and such). It looks much less intimidating now.
New ticket reports and component pages. These went live late last week — here and here.
This was also helpful because we shifted around where you can go to create a new ticket. You can now do it from search results, all ticket reports and the main reports screen, component pages, the icon in the navigation, and now from the make/core homepage. The new reports screen is a new entry point for Trac An open source project by Edgewall Software that serves as a bug tracker and project management tool for WordPress.. You’ll note it actually duplicates the content of Trac’s home page (new ticket button there too), which you’ll have trouble finding a direct link to anywhere.
Focuses/components: Component and focus triaging is pretty much done. (More than one thousand open tickets — 30% — have been modified in the last two weeks alone.) Still have some decisions to make about the Administration component, but I’m not worried.
And with that, I actually have no more changes planned for core trac. Except for ticket smashing. It’s now time to start clearing these two reports: Tickets without a response and Tickets that are ancient and inactive. Who is with me?!
Thanks also @ocean90 for replacing every last icon in Trac with a Dashicon. Love it.
#housekeeping, #trac
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