Dev Chat Agenda – July 13, 2011

  • Check in re 3.2.1. Anything coming in that needs attention?
  • GSoC. It’s midterm, and students will be posting links to their projects to allow for coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. team and community testing and feedback. Any GSoC mentors who are present for dev chat can give us a one-liner heads up about what to expect/test/pound on with their students’ projects. We’ll schedule separate feedback chats next week.
  • WordPress 3.3. It’s that time again, initial scoping meeting. As usual, let’s use this meeting to get the wish list on the table and see who’s up for working on what, then work out an appropriate scope and schedule by next week’s meeting, when we can finalize it and commit to it.
