I submitted our application to be a part…

I submitted our application to be a participating organization in the Google Code-in.

We need to compile the task list. I put in some high-level placeholders for now, but people should go ahead and add suggestions for tasks. Note that the final task list will be pruned down to those tasks that are approved by the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. leads and that have appropriate people available to oversee them, to ensure a positive outcome for the students and that we’re not wasting anyone’s time. If you want to suggest a task, leave it in a comment here. Specify if you are also offering to mentor any student taking on that task, or if it’s just something you think should get done. As tasks are agreed upon and have mentors assigned to them, I’ll add them to the codex page.

#code-in, #gsoc, #mentorship, #students