Postboxes: The Custom Fields postbox …


  • The Custom Fields postbox is very unintuitive (there’s even a ticketticket Created for both bug reports and feature development on the bug tracker. about that, #7541). Suggestion: perhaps emphasis the Name/Value fields and add proper labels (“Key” would probably be better as “Name”); replace the drop-down with a scrollable list of previously used “names” that would be copied to the “Name” text field on-click.
  • The Categories postbox would perhaps need some redesign, both functionality and look. We can store the 20-30 most used cats as array (or even prepared as UL) in the db and show that whenever needed; then have “All Categories” pull the rest with AJAX and “Add New” pull the drop-down cats with AJAX too. That would speed things up nicely on Write Post/Page and Manage Posts/Pages screens (Quick Edit lists the cats there).

#todo, #ui