Youth Event Working Group Chat Agenda | Tuesday 13 April

The Youth Events Working Group is reconvening and looking for volunteers to help build and grow this amazing program. We will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 1600 UTC/ 12pm EDT.

Our next Youth Events Working Group chat is happening Tuesday, 13 April 2021 at 1600 UTC/ 12pm EDT. This chat will occur in the Make WordPress Community-Team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.


  1. Updates
  2. Goals
  3. Needs
  4. Open Floor Discussion

Come and discuss how you can be involved. We need people to:

  • Research – laws surrounding minors at events globally
  • Writing – arts and crafts documentation, WordPress basics documentation, Parental Resources Documents
  • Video Creation – how to videos for Parents to get involved with their kids, Encouraging Videos for organizers, and videos for educators
  • Editing – grammar, spell check, and general flow proofreaders/editors

Everyone is welcome. Please attend even if you are not sure how to participate.

If for any reason you cannot attend the meeting live but still want to be involved, please comment on the post to introduce yourself. Share a bit about your WP background and what area you want to help with.

Please leave a comment of anything else that should be added to the agenda for discussion.

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat Agenda | Tuesday 23 March

The Youth Events Working Group is reconvening and looking for volunteers to help build and grow this amazing program. We will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 1600 UTC/ 12pm EDT.

Our next Youth Events Working Group chat is happening Tuesday, 23 March 2021 at 1600 UTC/ 12pm EDT. This chat will occur in the Make WordPress Community-Team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.


  1. Updates from the year
  2. Goals for this year
  3. Needs of the Group
  4. Open Floor Discussion

Come and discuss how you can be involved. We need people to:

  • Research – laws surrounding minors at events globally
  • Writing – arts and crafts documentation, WordPress basics documentation, Parental Resources Documents
  • Video Creation – how to videos for Parents to get involved with their kids, Encouraging Videos for organizers, and videos for educators
  • Editing – grammar, spell check, and general flow proofreaders/editors

Everyone is welcome. Please attend even if you are not sure how to participate.

If for any reason you cannot attend the meeting live but still want to be involved, please comment on the post to introduce yourself. Share a bit about your WP background and what area you want to help with.

Please leave a comment of anything else that should be added to the agenda for discussion.

#kids-events, #youth-events

Recap of the Youth Event Working Group Checkin Chat | Friday 24 July 2020

Attending: @sunsand187 @danilong @kdrewien @carike


We Covered

  1. Updates from volunteers.
  2. Goals for the Year
  3. Needs of the Group
  4. Open Floor

Updates from Volunteers

Sandy: So far this year we have been brainstorming what we can do to create a youth platform for online events/async events

Goals for the Year

Our biggest goal this year is to create an online forum/platform that videos can live on for async learning. We also want to create documentation for first time camp leaders to have an easy way to spin up their youth events. We created the handbook last year for KidsCamps but we still need one for Teen events.

Dani: HIGH SCHOOL participants – consider working with school districts to show how an event might work meet state standards so students can earn credit for participating. Enlisting teachers in the arts, language arts, and computer science to review sessions/workshops and help define how they meet standards would be one way. (I used to teach and am thinking how this can help students who want to meet graduation credit requirements). If a series of async sessions were put together to teach HS students now to create a site, edit and add photos, write a blog and learn CSSCSS CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheets. This is what controls the design or look and feel of a site. to style it – playlists could be created that enable students to demonstrate competencies and thus submit a request for credit from their school. Getting into some of the CSS and PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. coding = Computer Science. Writing/blogging = English Language Arts. Photography, Digital Art, Blogging to show other manual arts = Arts, Woodshop, Metalshop, FACS (Family & Consumer Sciences [Home Ec to us ancient ones]).

Needs of the Group

There are a few things this group will need to be successful this year. Anyone who has these skills and is looking to contribute in a new way we would appreciate joining the team.

  • Research – laws surrounding minors at events globally
  • Writing – arts and crafts documentation, WordPress basics documentation, Parental Resources Documents
  • Video Creation – how to videos for WordPress, how to videos for Parents to get involved with their kids, Encouraging Videos
  • Editing – grammar, spell check, and general flow proof readers/editors

Dani: “One thing that is really critical is background checks. I’ve been a Girl Scout leader, a FRST Robotics leader, a 4H leader, a Trout Unlimited board member and a parent on field trips –> ANYONE interacting with minors MUST submit paperwork for a background check AND THE BACKGROUND CHECK MUST BE CARRIED OUT.

With respect to asynch/videos – I think shorter, small bites and a variety of playlists is a more manageable way to develop this, both from the point of view of creating them and consuming them.

Also, maybe there could be a color coding and intro/outro system to help categorize:

  1. Age group the video is directed towards  (Younger Elementary, Older Elementary, Middle, High)
  2. Topic (hmmmm…. Creating a site, CSS, PHP (Coding is the bomb!), Adding Images, Writing, Connecting a site to social media…)

By setting up a system that color codes by age group, playlists can be created for specific purposes to make the ‘small bites’ into more comprehensive units.”

Open Floor Discussion

This is when I would normally open the floor to others, but it looks like I am the only one here today. Please reply to this with any thoughts or post on the P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at on Monday. Happy to answer any questions. One thing to keep in mind is that this group does NOT work with the kids directly, but rather creates resources and support for those that do.

No additional Comments were made during this time.

Project Management Information

So I know a lot of people expressed interest but not everyone made it to todays meeting. I am sure more people will be getting involved over time. I did create a TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: Board so that we have some jumping off points for anyone to just dive in and start on micro pieces.


Next Meeting is Friday, 07 August 2020, 1400 UTC/ 10am EST. This chat will occur in the Make WordPress Community-Team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group: Call for More Volunteers and New Meeting Time

Have you ever wanted to have an event for youth in your community but were not sure where to start? I have been there too.

Did you know that there’s a solution for this? There’s no one perfect solution, but a group of people with experience planning youth events want to share this information with you: from events within your WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. to stand-alone youth events.

Our goal is to help prepare others for the creation and implementation of these amazing programs. Through lesson plans, schedules, and teaching methods, together we can create a path for anyone that wants to teach youth the value of a blog.

Continue reading

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat/Office Hours June 11, 2020

In light of everything going on with COVID-19 and needing to move events to a remote status. We are changing our Youth Events Working Group meetings to be Office HoursOffice Hours Defined times when the Global Community Team are in the #community-events Slack channel. If there is anything you would like to discuss – you do not need to inform them in advance.You are very welcome to drop into any of the Community Team Slack channels at any time.. This is so that anyone can come to #community-events channel and ask any questions about how to help the kids at home during this time.

If you want to start a virtual meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., get resources for your own family or just talk about things kids can do safely online our group is here to support it.

This will happen weekly on Thursdays at 2100UTC/5pm EST.

If anyone wants to help with more International Friendly times please reach out and let either @camikaos or myself (@sunsand187) know.

Starting in July we will resume our regular working group meeting in addition to these office hours. For more information on joining the working group check out this link:

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat/Office Hours May 7, 2020

In light of everything going on with COVID-19 and needing to move events to a remote status. We are changing our Youth Events Working Group meetings to be Office HoursOffice Hours Defined times when the Global Community Team are in the #community-events Slack channel. If there is anything you would like to discuss – you do not need to inform them in advance.You are very welcome to drop into any of the Community Team Slack channels at any time.. This is so that anyone can come to #community-events channel and ask any questions about how to help the kids at home during this time.

If you want to start a virtual meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., get resources for your own family or just talk about things kids can do safely online our group is here to support it.

This will happen weekly on Thursdays at 2100UTC/5pm EST.

If anyone wants to help with more International Friendly times please reach out and let either @camikaos or myself (@sunsand187) know.

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat/Office Hours April 23, 2020

In light of everything going on with COVID-19 and needing to move events to a remote status. We are changing our Youth Events Working Group meetings to be Office HoursOffice Hours Defined times when the Global Community Team are in the #community-events Slack channel. If there is anything you would like to discuss – you do not need to inform them in advance.You are very welcome to drop into any of the Community Team Slack channels at any time.. This is so that anyone can come to #community-events channel and ask any questions about how to help the kids at home during this time.

If you want to start a virtual meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., get resources for your own family or just talk about things kids can do safely online our group is here to support it.

This will happen weekly on Thursdays at 2100UTC/5pm EST.

If anyone wants to help with more International Friendly times please reach out and let either @camikaos or myself (@sunsand187) know.

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat/Office Hours April 16, 2020

This week we have some people who had an idea to talk about at this meeting. An online KidsCamp! Let’s chat about what we would need to pull this off and who might want to be involved. This will take place for the first 30 minutes of our new Office HoursOffice Hours Defined times when the Global Community Team are in the #community-events Slack channel. If there is anything you would like to discuss – you do not need to inform them in advance.You are very welcome to drop into any of the Community Team Slack channels at any time..

In light of everything going on with COVID-19 and needing to move events to a remote status. We are changing our Youth Events Working Group meetings to be Office Hours. This is so that anyone can come to #community-events channel and ask any questions about how to help the kids at home during this time.

If you want to start a virtual meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., get resources for your own family or just talk about things kids can do safely online our group is here to support it.

This will happen weekly on Thursdays at 2100UTC/5pm EST.

If anyone wants to help with more International Friendly times please reach out and let either @camikaos or myself (@sunsand187) know.

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat/Office Hours Recap from April 9, 2020

You can follow along with the hours in chat here:

We started office hoursOffice Hours Defined times when the Global Community Team are in the #community-events Slack channel. If there is anything you would like to discuss – you do not need to inform them in advance.You are very welcome to drop into any of the Community Team Slack channels at any time. talking about an idea @chriscct7 had about doing a virtual KidsCamp in May. @michelebutcher-jones and @camikaos and I all chatted about what that would mean.

Michele noted that we might want to limit the age range to 10+ as 7-9 may have a more difficult time with being online for an extended time.

Cami mentioned that we can think outside our normal box on these events as we do not have to do things all in one day or one session or event. We can make it a mini series of sorts. Here’s her comments:

I think one of the most important things about implementing this will be giving the kids and their families solid expectations leading up to this. When Sandy and I discussed previously I said I’d like to see a “worksheet” checklist for kids to have completed before the event and some follow-up “worksheets”  for after.

5:21I also think that we might be thinking too much inside the box of what we normally do.

5:22ordinarily we have these kids for so many hours on one day in one place. Right now families are really looking for content to keep their kids engaged. Especially those who are not used to homeschooling and suddenly thrust into it.

5:22This could be something we do once a week for 90 minutes for a month and really give the kids an opportunity to learn and grow into it working at their own pace and meeting back each week

5:23anyone have any thoughts or feels on those ideas?

So we shifted to talking about creating videos or content to fill this need as a team. Each person could do what they do best to fill this void for parents and kids including: blog posts, videos, webinars, breakout sessions, etc.

Michele mentioned this looking kind of like a WP101 of video tutorials that are easier to digest. That way everything is in smaller more manageable bits of information for the parents and kids.

We discussed Michele looking into a partnership with 4-H to see about getting those kids on board to test it and/or use it as a class.

Let us know your thoughts, comments, and feelings about this topic. I know there are a lot of parents looking for wholesome creative things for their kiddos to do. This could be a solid path for that. Leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.

And always feel free to reach out to @camikaos or myself ( @sunsand187 ) if you want to get involved with the Youth Working Group!

#kids-events, #youth-events

Youth Event Working Group Chat/Office Hours April 9, 2020

This week we have some people who had an idea to talk about at this meeting. An online KidsCamp! Let’s chat about what we would need to pull this off and who might want to be involved. This will take place for the first 30 minutes of our new Office HoursOffice Hours Defined times when the Global Community Team are in the #community-events Slack channel. If there is anything you would like to discuss – you do not need to inform them in advance.You are very welcome to drop into any of the Community Team Slack channels at any time..

In light of everything going on with COVID-19 and needing to move events to a remote status. We are changing our Youth Events Working Group meetings to be Office Hours. This is so that anyone can come to #community-events channel and ask any questions about how to help the kids at home during this time.

If you want to start a virtual meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., get resources for your own family or just talk about things kids can do safely online our group is here to support it.

This will happen weekly on Thursdays at 2100UTC/5pm EST.

If anyone wants to help with more International Friendly times please reach out and let either @camikaos or myself (@sunsand187) know.

#kids-events, #youth-events