Recap of Contributor Working Group on Dec. 16, 2020

In attendance: @amethystanswers, @tacoverdo, @annezazu, @daisyo, @angelasjin


Meeting beginning in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

Checking In

We seem to be generally ok, but some of us are going into stricter lockdowns.

Meet the Leads

Leads for the sub-groups are:

The Leads will help keep communication going in the Slack DM groups and will give updates at our meetings about what the group has been up to.

TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: & Google Drive

Reminder of the links:


Google Drive:

Everyone should have access to edit both of these now. If not, please contact Christina Workman (@amethystanswers).

Please review, start adding to both, and claim tasks in Trello that you want to work on by adding yourself to them. Multiple people can work on the same task.

If you want to organize meetings with your subgroup, you can add comments to the Agenda and Recap posts, add a card to the Trello board, and message others in your sub-group in Slack.

Questions for me

Nobody had any questions about the project for me (@amethystanswers), but I am always available on Slack. If you need more clarification on something about this group, or how to get started, I’m happy to help. Or if you just want to chat about contributing in general.

Relax, Refresh, Recharge

I hope everyone has some time in the next few weeks to get some downtime and recharge your batteries. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

Next meeting is Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 20:00 UTC.


Recap for Contributor Working Group Meeting on Dec. 2, 2020

In attendance: @amethystanswers, @angelasjin, @annezazu, @daisyo, @paaljoachim, @tacoverdo, @matthewfarlymn, @chaion07

Meeting beginning in Slack:

Checking In

We haven’t had meeting for a few weeks, but happily, people are general doing well, which is great to hear!

Meeting Time

Our meeting time is shifting an hour later in to 20:00UTC, which will remain consistent for areas participating in Daylight Saving Time. For others this will mean the meeting is an hour later and also is at the same time as Dev Chat. We’ll see how this goes for the next little while and revisit if it’s not working out.

As always, if you aren’t able to make the meeting, you are welcome to add comments in the #community-team channel afterwards or post comments to recaps like this one.



  • populate and organize TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board
  • communicate with and support one another more
  • publish team structure


  • scale down to smaller, more digestible tasks (using Trello board)
  • create testing environments
  • start working with a few teams on onboarding information, perhaps establishing a baseline standard where possible
  • continue expanding this list

Recognizing Contributions

Anyone who has actively contributed to the Contributor Working Group for at least a month, can now apply for the Community Contributor Badge! I will be reaching out with the link to apply, and if you think I have missed you please do reach out to me. This will be ongoing.

Next Steps

Original next steps from the Agenda were put on hold in favour of getting more organized, which includes working on our 2020 goals (as there are only a few weeks left in 2020).

Christina will get everyone access to the Trello board. If you don’t have access, please DM @amethysanswers in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

Christina will also finalize our group Leads and meet with them.

Everyone else, please keep talking amongst yourselves in group DMs, even if it’s just getting to know one another better.

Our next meeting (and last one in 2020) will be December 16 at 20:00 UTC.
